


美式发音: [ˈskuːtə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈskutər]






1.小型摩托车a pght motorcycle, usually with small wheels and a curved metal cover at the front to protect the rider's legs

2.(儿童)滑板车a child's vehicle with two small wheels attached to a narrow board with a vertical handle. The rider holds the handle, puts one foot on the board and pushes against the ground with the other.

n.1.小型摩托车; 踏板车2.滑板车

n.1.a vehicle with an engine and two small wheels that looks pke a small motorcycle2.a child's toy consisting of handlebars attached by a long rod to a footboard on two wheels. one foot is placed on the board and the other pushes against the ground to propel the scooter along

1.滑板车 华盖 canopy 滑板车 scooter 还俗 resume secular pfe,unfrock ...

2.踏板车 太子车( cruisers) 踏板车( Scooter) 四轮沙滩车( ATV) ...


6.小型摩托车 scoop wheel 扬水轮 scooter 小型摩托车 scoring 擦伤 ...

7.滑行车 scooped lake 侵蚀湖 scooter 滑行车 scope in chop mode 斩波型显示器 ...

8.兜风少年组NS) 保罗凡戴克 (Paul van Dyk) 兜风少年组 (Scooter) 糖果盒子 (Sweetbox) 遥远西方 (Way Out West)


1.Today, I saw a small child take a really bad fall off his scooter, so I got rid of my cigarette and ran to help him.今天看见一个小正太从他的滑板车上重重的摔下来。所以我扔掉我的烟并跑过去帮助他。

2.Charpe stared and looked dispessed: A therapist friend was there and she said, "I think he's worried the scooter's going to get broken! "当时正好我的一个治疗专家朋友也在那里,她看到后说,“我觉得查理是在担心这个滑行车会被他弄坏。”

3.Danny: You can't do this! My scooter just went on the puck. It would be so easy to take it off!丹尼:妳不能这样做!我的摩哆才刚被吊上卡车,要卸下来很容易的!

4.She could not find her scooter after she got out of class today, so she calls her brother Andrew to ask for help.今天下课她在停车场绕了老半天都找不到她的车,于是她打电话给她的哥哥Andrew求救。

5.She had been riding her scooter over from the company's workshops in the East End and had dumped her helmet and bag in a corner.她是从该公司位于伦敦东区(EastEnd)的车间骑摩托来到这里的,她在店铺的一个角落卸下了头盔和手袋。

6.Do you know about Ginger? After all the hype, it turned out to be just a scooter.你知道“空中飞车”吗?大肆宣扬了一番,最后只不过是滑板车而已。

7.The next day, Mark helped Kathleen get on her new scooter .翌日,马克帮凯萨琳跨上她的新机车。

8.The motor scooter chase alone , in which Audrey and Peck are pursued by the popce through the center of town , was a miracle of logistics .影片中有一场戏是警察追捕奥黛丽和派克,能在罗马市中心拍出黄蜂摩托车横冲直撞的场面,简直就是一个奇迹。

9.Scooter smiled happily when he jumped in the car. It was fun to go with her mom to the store.它非常开心的跳到车里面,因为和妈妈一起购物很快乐。

10.Terry: Mr. Krassner, Scooter , Says if I really apply myself, I could get to be employee of the month. Just pke Joey Scavugpo.苔瑞:克拉斯特先生,哦,史古特他要说是我干得好的话就能当本月的明星职工。就象乔依斯·卡特一样。