


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈit] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvərˈiːt]



过去式:overate  过去分词:overeaten  第三人称单数:overeats  现在分词:overeating  同义词

v.overindulge,overdose,gorge,stuff yourself,binge



1.吃得过量;吃撑了to eat more than you need or more than is healthy


v.1.to eat more food than your body needs

1.吃得过多 retell 重讲 , overeat 吃得过多, overcome 克服 , ...

2.吃得过饱 purchase: 购买 overeat: 吃得过饱 lavish: 慷慨的 ...

3.吃过量 overdraw 透支 overeat (使)吃过量 overestimate 过高估计 ...

4.吃多了 overseas 海外的 Eg:overeat, 吃多了 oversleep 睡过头了 ...

5.吃得太多 overdrive 超速 overeat 吃得太多 overfeed 喂得太多 ...

6.暴食 over— 意为“过度” • overeat • (暴食) • oversleep • (睡过头) • ...

7.暴饮暴食 ... overcoat n. 大衣 overeat v. 吃的过多 overjoyed adj. 极高兴 ...


1.Many Americans overeat, but a growing number of Indians do as well (even if the national calorie intake is still relatively small).很多美国人过度饮食,但是在印度也一样有这样一群人(即使印度人口的卡路里摄入量仍然相对较小)。

2.on the bed Do not overeat, do not eat at night, feepng sleepy again when going to bed.上床前不要吃得过饱,勿夜间用膳,有睡意时再上床。

3.Don't overeat at lunchtime as you are bound to feel tired for the rest of the day.午餐别吃太多,因为你将无疑在剩余时间里感到疲劳。

4.Take care not to overeat after you add the eggs and flour as this can produce a heavy, coarse-textured cake.注意,加入鸡蛋和面粉后不要过分打发,否则蛋糕可能变得粗重厚实。

5.But if you overeat at Thanksgiving dinner, there's a price to be paid for all this plenty: the Thanksgiving "food coma. "如果你在感恩节大餐吃的很多,将会为那满桌的食物付出点儿代价:瞌睡。

6."You definitely want to have your normal meals because otherwise, whenever we get over-hungry, we overeat, " she said.“你一定想正常饮食,但是一旦我们加倍饥饿,我们就会吃的过多”,她说。

7.When your focus is not on the food, it's easy to overeat, research suggests.研究表明当你的目光没有聚焦于食物时很容易吃得过饱。

8.'It's not always feasible for dieters to avoid or alter the environments in which they typically overeat, ' Miss Wood said.“对节食者来说,通过避免或改变他们引发过度食用环境的这个方法并不总是可行的,”伍德小姐补充。

9.Swithers stops short of saying that the animals in her study were compelled to overeat to compensate for phantom calories.Swithers不再说在她的研究里,动物们被迫过度进食以补充虚无的卡路里。

10.High ACE scorers who do not overeat, smoke or take drugs still have high rates of obesity, heart disease, depression and diabetes.经历多重ACE的人,尽管不多吃,不吸烟也不吸毒,其发胖、得心脏病、抑郁症以及糖尿病的机率仍远高于常人。