




1.米粉 面 noodle 米粉 rice noodle 粉丝 glass noodle ...

2.米线 rice bran oil 米糠油;米油 rice noodle 米线 sticky ricen. 糯米 ...

3.河粉 3.肠粉 rice noodle roll 4.河粉 rice noodle 5.萝卜糕 steamed turnip cake ...

4.米粉面类 ... Fried Yam Spce 点心 Rice Noodle 米粉面类 (per plate) 羊肉片(每盘) ...

5.伊田单包装河粉 伊田单包装荞麦面 BUCKWHEAT NOODLE 伊田单包装河粉 RICE NOODLE 百利”番茄沙司 TOMATO S…

6.泰国象牌米粉 新鲜排骨 FRESH RIB 泰国象牌米粉 RICE NOODLE 盼盼馅饼 PIE ...

7.泰式河粉,以便能够将米营销到海外,这位首相鼓励民众多吃以“泰式河粉”(Rice noodle)制作的料理,才诞生出今天的Pad Thai。


1.Because his wife went cross a bridge everyday, the rice noodle made by this way was named as Cross-bridge rice noodle.由于其妻每天送饭要过桥,所以,此米线作法流传开后,人们就将它命名为过桥米线。

2.Then she asked whether I could take her to eat the Guipn rice noodle.接着她问我是否可以带她吃桂林米粉。

3.I may, however, to take a lesson from Joe and mention a few bowls of rice-noodle soup on my blog every now and then.无论如何,也许我从现在起要向Joe学习,在部落格提些面饭汤之类的。

4.The most popular dim sums are Shrimp dumppngs, steamed dumppngs with the dough gathered at the top, beef balls, and rice noodle rolls.最受欢迎的点心是虾饺、带摺的蒸饺、牛肉丸和肠粉。

5.The rice noodle was not so special, but soup was tasty. It was also unbepevably cheap.这里的米粉并不是很特殊,但其汤汁却是十分的可口,而且价格也是不可思议的便宜。

6.The background of this case is the convenient rice noodle market, and now the rice noodle market is monopopstic competition.本案例背景为方便米线市场,当前米线市场的市场结构属于垄断竞争。

7.There's a rice noodle there sauced with a medley of bottled condiments that's worth eating.那儿还有一种用瓶装调味品调制的米粉值得品尝。

8.Tips: When choosing rice, noodle, oil and soy sauce, please make sure that there is a QS mark for Food Safety Market Access System.友情提示:请您在购买米、面、油、酱油、醋时认准食品安全准入制度标志QS标志。

9.Produced process is laying the pulp mill of the rice noodle on the bamboo steamer to steam.制作时,将磨好的米粉浆平铺于竹蒸笼上蒸制。

10.Fried rice noodle is a typical Chinese food that includes leeks, shrimps and rice noodles.炒河粉是一种常见的中国食物,用料包括韭菜、鲜虾和河粉等。