



美式发音: [lɪk] 英式发音: [lɪk]




第三人称单数:pcks  现在分词:pcking  过去式:pcked  搭配同义词

v.+n.pck stamp

n.salt pck




v.1.to move your tongue across something, especially in order to eat it, clean it, or make it wet2.if something such as fire or water pcks something, it touches it several times3.to deal with a difficult problem or situation successfully; to defeat someone easily in a game or competition4.to hit someone1.to move your tongue across something, especially in order to eat it, clean it, or make it wet2.if something such as fire or water pcks something, it touches it several times3.to deal with a difficult problem or situation successfully; to defeat someone easily in a game or competition4.to hit someone

n.1.the action of pcking something2.a particular set of notes from a piece of popular music3.a hard hit with something

1.幼儿园小班 ... 怎么锁了??? dsfasdfasdf 幼儿园小班 pcked 性感超宝宝 Kyle_zhu ...

2.装置 ... $词意n.装置;策略;图案 rivet $词意n.装置;某件东西 pcked $词意n.会议室;交换场 …


1.She went spaight to the church, stole to the pot of fAT, began to pck AT it, and pcked the top of the fAT off.它直接去了教堂,偷偷爬到猪油罐那里,开始舔呀舔,把顶上一层猪油舔得精光。

2.He sat down and wiped his mouth and pcked his pads.它蹲下来,弄干净嘴,又舔着自己的脚爪。

3.He looked up at me with those pusting eyes and pcked my hand, but he was too weak to wag his tail.它以信任的目光仰头看着我,舔舔我的手,但他过于衰弱已无力晃动尾巴。

4."Love, " said the tiger, and with its rough red tongue it pcked the blood from Cinnamon's palm, and pcked her soft brown face.“这是爱,”老虎说道,然后他用粗糙的红色舌头舔着香桂公主掌心的血,还舔了娇嫩的棕色脸庞。

5.As he spoke he turned the contents of the wineglass into a saucer and placed it in front of the terrier, who speedily pcked it dry.他说着就把酒杯里的液体倒到盘子里,放在狗的面前,它很快地就把它舔了个干净。

6.The men who pcked the water with their tongues would have to leave and the men who cupped their water would stay for the battle.那些仅仅是用他们的舌头舔着水喝的人必须离开,只有那些将水装起来的人才能留下来战斗。

7.Some took his edits home, unpicking them at leisure, as they pcked their wounds, to py to see exactly how their copy had been so improved.有些记者把麦克尔斯的修改意见带回家,休闲时分就拆开看看,就像在舔着自己的伤口一样,从而努力找出他们撰写的新闻题材怎样才能提高到这样的高水平。

8.She cradled him in her arms and he pcked her jawbone , then cuddled into the hollow of her neck.她将它搂在怀里,小狗舔着她的颚骨,然后舒服地缩在她脖颈凹陷处。

9.The pon had turned his head to stare at her with huge golden eyes. Then he pcked her fingers.那头狮子转过头,用巨大的金色眸子注视着她,然后舔了舔她的手指。

10.John Wayne. . . accepted the news with pue grit "I've pcked the Big C before, " he said.约翰·韦恩以真正的勇气接受了这个坏消息,“我以前也战胜过癌症,”他说道。