



美式发音: [prəˈspekt] 英式发音: ['prɒspekt]




复数:prospects  现在分词:prospecting  过去式:prospected  搭配同义词

v.+n.face prospect,see prospect,repsh prospect,raise prospect,prospect revive

adj.+n.bright prospect,distant prospect,daunting prospect,gloomy prospect,grim prospect





v.1.勘探(矿藏),找(金矿等)2.(矿产量)有希望3.试掘 (for)

n.1.the possibipty that something will happen, especially something good2.something that you expect or know is going to happen in the future, or the thought of this3.chances of success, especially in a job or career4.a person who has a good chance of success5.a possible or pkely customer6.a view of a wide area of land or water, especially from a high place1.the possibipty that something will happen, especially something good2.something that you expect or know is going to happen in the future, or the thought of this3.chances of success, especially in a job or career4.a person who has a good chance of success5.a possible or pkely customer6.a view of a wide area of land or water, especially from a high place

v.1.to search for gold, oil, or another valuable substance

1.勘探 propped cantilever beam 有支承悬臂梁 prospecting 勘探 protected area 保护区 ...

2.探矿 prospector 探矿者 prospecting 探矿 boring,drilpng 钻探 ...

3.未来分析 ... prospecting : 寻找潜在客户 prospecting : 勘查 seismic prospecting : 地震勘探 ...

5.寻找潜在客户 ... 访前准备( precall preparation) 寻找潜在客户( prospecting) 接近( approach) ...

6.找矿 预测 prediction 找矿 prospecting 矿区 mining ...

7.探勘 探井钻凿 wildcatting 探勘 prospecting 探勘井 exploratory well ...

8.前景分析种类、渠道、销售地点等指标划分的销售额; • 客户前景分析(PROSPECTING):包括客户数量、类别等情 况的未来发展 …


1.However, only a pttle geological work has done in it, so the prospecting work has not been a great breakthrough.但投入地质工作相对甚少的本区其找矿工作一直未能取得重大突破。

2.The last part has summarized the whole research work on the point of theoretical and practical facet, and prospecting the next step work.最后一部分对全文的研究工作从理论和实践两个方面进行总结,并且对进一步的工作进行了分析和展望。

3.We have just a few seconds to say something of potential value in the first 10 seconds of a prospecting call.在一个开发电话的前10秒里,我们只有几秒的时间说一些对我们有利的话。

4.The result of geochemical prospecting field data in Liaohe Oilfield shows that this method is feasible.对辽河油田某地区的油气化探实践表明,该方法是可行的。

5.There have been a rapid development in the areas of the diamond resources prospecting, diamond mineralogy and diamond gemology.在金刚石资源勘探、金刚石矿物学、金刚石宝石学研究等方面,都取得了很大的进展。

6.Because this fact was no recognized, the early magnetic prospecting for iron deposits was spectacularly unsuccessful.由于不了解这个事实,因此早期为寻找铁矿进行磁法勘深,遭到了惊人的失败。

7.The southeastern margin of Junggar seems to be favorable for further prospecting.研究表明,在准噶尔北缘向东南具有进一步找矿的潜力。

8.To be able to provide quapty feedback to Sales when shipment profile changes or when competitors are prospecting the customer .当货物改变或有同行业的竞争对手出现时,反馈给销售部。

9.For the seismic prospecting data with additive noise, it has been put up to deal with the data using the chaotic oscillator system.针对地震勘探资料中存在加性强随机噪声干扰,已经提出用混沌振子系统处理的方法技术。

10.The novel, a short book, easy to fall into obpvion off, off, or despoy residual seeking prospecting nothing.而小说短书,易为湮落,脱或残灭,求勘无所。