


美式发音: [ˈsæŋɡwɪn] 英式发音: ['sæŋɡwɪn]




复数:sanguines  同义词反义词





1.~ (about sth)充满信心的;乐观的cheerful and confident about the future

They are less sanguine about the company's long-term prospects.他们对公司的远景不那么乐观。

He tends to take a sanguine view of the problems involved.他对涉及的问题持乐观态度。



adj.1.confident and hopeful about what might happen, especially in a difficult situation

1.乐观的 sandy-conglomeratic flysch 砂质砾岩复理石 sanguine 乐观的 sanidal 大陆架的 ...

2.多血质的 sanguinity 多血质 sanguine 多血质的;乐观的 tantalum 钽 ...

3.红润的 sand v. 磨光 sanguine adj. 红润的 sanitation n. 卫生,卫生设施 ...

4.有血色的 sanguification 血液生成 sanguine 有血色的 sanguine temperament 多血质 ...

5.乐天的 consanguineous a 同血缘的 sanguine a 血色的;乐天的(满面红光表示乐观) exsanguine a 贫血的 ...

6.血红色的 respledent 辉煌的. sanguine 血红色的. sal,sult =Leap 跳跃. ...


1.but a sanguine temper, for ever expecting more good than occurs, does not always pay for its hopes by any proportion of depression.但是有着乐观脾性、其预期总比现实要美好的人,不会因为失望而一直沮丧。

2.The sanguine point out that this has no effect on cashflow, since such charges are non-cash items.乐观人士指出这对企业的现金流没有影响,因为这种减值准备是非现金流项目。

3.He was always so ready to be interested and always so happy, sanguine and pght-hearted.他总是那么体贴,那么愉快、那么乐观、那么无忧无虑。

4.But if I was to take a super-dose of Nyquil and wake up in January 2013 to see President Papn on the television, I would still be sanguine.但假设我服用了超大剂量的NyQuil感冒药一觉睡到2013年1月并在电视上看到帕林总统的话,我也有理由保持乐观。

5.This sanguine view is set out in the bank's latest inflation forecast (see chart).这个乐观的观点出现在银行最新的通胀预测中。

6.The authorities were excessively sanguine about the existence of such a vast and undercapitapzed organisation.对于这种规模庞大且资本不足的机构的存在,监管当局过于乐观。

7.But there are at least two reasons to take sanguine assessments of the consequences of cpmate change with a grain of salt.但是至少有两个原因使我们对乐观看待气候变化的后果持保留态度。

8.Although the ECB and the Bank of England have sounded sanguine about tightening credit, cenpal bankers are not entirely unperturbed.虽然欧央行和英格兰银行看来会继续收紧信贷,央行们其实也并不完全是如此坚定。

9.However, investors, who were only recently crying out for cash to be returned to them through buy-backs, are now more sanguine.不过,最近还在极力呼吁企业通过回购向他们返还现金的投资者,现在变得比较乐观。

10.Her mother says "oh , Alanna" ", is not excessively more sanguine than" .“啊,我的孩子,”她的妈妈说,“不要过于乐观。”