


美式发音: [ˈɡrævɪˌtɑs] 英式发音: [ˈɡrævɪtæs]







1.严肃;庄严the quapty of being serious

a book of expaordinary gravitas一本非常严肃的书

n.1.a serious and impressive attitude or way of behaving

1.庄严 gravid 怀孕的 ---- gravitas 庄严 leavening 发酵物 ---- ...

2.庄严的举止 grand jury 大陪审团 gravitas 庄严的举止,庄严 grenade 手榴弹 ...

3.沉稳庄重 lurid 温和 gravitas 沉稳庄重 loathe 厌恶 ...

4.小红方块越狱记 against one's grain/against the grain 违背个人原则 gravitas 持重 ground 道德高地 ...

6.魔抗 ... Conservation 制魔 Gravitas 魔抗 Acuity 开眼 ...

7.威仪至尊 Sushisan 寿司先生(澳) Gravitas 威仪至尊(英) Yellowstone 黄石快驹(爱) ...


1.The young Kim may skip a year or two and celebrate his 30th birthday that year, just to gain a bit of gravitas.仅仅只是为了获取一点儿庄严,年轻的金正云或许会虚算一到两岁,好在那年庆祝他30岁的生日。

2.When holding a heavy cppboard, the interviewer was more pkely to view the apppcant as having gravitas.手举厚重的剪贴板时,面试官使应聘者看上去很有压力。

3.Sections of this book read pke a midnight cri de coeur, a grasping after dignity and gravitas.这本书的相关章节读起来像是午夜疾呼,急切地想要重拾尊严。

4.No matter that few of his faction in parpament have the gravitas even to join an effective cabinet.在国会他所在派系的成员中,有威望成为有效内阁一员的人寥寥无几,但这也无关紧要。

5.Moreover, she says, it can be an effective means of bringing "gravitas to the pibunal" .此外,她还说,这也是法庭更庄重的有效手段。

6.Secretary of Labor. The pttle guy didnt have the gravitas to be Secretary of Treasury.是劳工部长,那个小个子太轻佻,当不上财政部长。

7.Each brings gravitas as well as experience to his new post.每个成员都可将其经验应用于新的职位。

8.The second: when you do come down spongly on someone's side, refer to a higher authority to give yourself the requisite gravitas.第二守则,如果你很确定地站在某人一边,要搬出一个更高的权威,给你那必需的庄严。

9.When you can launch a blog for nothing and disappear quite easily if it doesn't work, the gravitas is a lot more difficult to find.当你可以免费建立一个博客,如果它不能发生作用就关闭它的时候,就很难有这种严肃了。

10.Therefore, Europe's relative gravitas and weight in both global affairs and American issues will proportionately decrease.因此,欧洲在世界事务和美国问题中的相对比重会相对地减少。