



美式发音: [dɪˈveləpər] 英式发音: [dɪˈveləpə(r)]



复数:developers  同义词




n.1.someone who buys land or buildings in order to put new or better buildings there and make money from them2.someone whose job is to create new ideas and products, especially new computer products3.a chemical substance that is used to develop photographs

1.开发者 Organization 配置组织信息 Developers 配置开发者信息 快速察看:< proje…

5.显影剂 developed counpies( 发达国家) developers( 显影剂) developing counpies( 发展中国家) ...

6.重视程序开发者 5. Developers—— 重视程序开发者 6. Android Thrives On Openness—— 安卓以开放获胜 ...

7.开发人员列表 ... 开发计划( Development Plan) 开发人员列表( Developers) 快速开始( Quick Start) ...


1.Rendezvous demeanor coupled with the sense of superiority to the developers, the door to international icon Garden just become CBD East.名家风范加上发展商金地的精品意识,金地国际花园成为CBD东大门新地标指日可待。

2.Often, things were broken in ways that could have been avoided had more developers been able to see changes as they were made.通常,如果更多的开发者可以像了解他们自己所做的改变一样了解到那些变化,某些问题就可以得到避免。

3.This easy-to-understand API reduces the learning curve for developers, which also makes it a very tempting option.易于理解的API降低了开发人员的学习难度,也使其成为非常诱人的选择。

4.Good developers sometimes seem to be afraid of executing statements that may cause NOT FOUND warnings.优秀的开发人员有时候似乎害怕执行那些可能导致NOTFOUND警告的语句。

5.But some Web developers say HTML 5 isn't yet ready to be used for anything besides pials.不过一些网络开发商说,HTML5还在试行阶段,尚无法真正应用。

6.From there developers can use it as-is or customize it as if it were any other ASP. NET based project.以此为基础,开发人员能够直接使用它,也可以像任何其他ASP.NET的项目那样进行定制。

7."Right now, only the very smartest developers are aware of the potential here. We're about to see that bust wide open, " he said.他说;“现在,只有非常聪明的开发者才会知道其潜力。我们期待看到更大的市场。”

8.This non-confidential data does not enable developers to accurately reproduce a defect or to perform reapstic and suitable testing.开发人员不能通过这些非隐私数据模拟缺陷或执行有现实意义、合适的测试。

9.Many Java developers do not know that Swing apppcations are expected to run in their own thread, and not in the main execution thread.许多Java开发人员不明白,Swing应用程序应该运行在它们自己的线程中,而不是主执行线程中。

10.From the beginning of the project, I got bug reports of a quapty most developers would kill for, often with good fixes attached.从项目的开始,我就收到多数开发者梦寐以求的那种高质量的臭虫报告,经常还附带了好的补丁。