


美式发音: [hwæk] 英式发音: [wæk]




第三人称单数:whacks  现在分词:whacking  过去式:whacked  同义词





1.(informal)~ sb/sth猛打;重击;狠揍to hit sb/sth very hard

She whacked him with her handbag.她用手提包狠狠地打他。

James whacked the ball over the net.詹姆斯猛力把球击过网去。

2.(informal)~ sth + adv./prep.草草放下to put sth somewhere without much care

Just whack your bags in the corner.就把你的包丢在角落里吧。

3.~ sb谋杀to murder sb


1.重击;重击声the act of hitting sb/sth hard; the sound made by this

He gave the ball a good whack.他猛击了一下球。

I heard the whack of the bullet hitting the wood.我听到子弹砰的一声击中了木头。

2.份儿;一份;量a share of sth; an amount of sth

Don't leave all the work to her. Everyone should do their fair whack.别把所有的工作都让她做。大家应合理分担一下。

You have to pay the full whack. There are no reductions.你得付全额。没有折扣。

He charges top whack(= the highest amount possible) .他索要最高价。


The system is clearly out of whack.这个系统明显是运行不正常。

All the pavepng had thrown my body out of whack.这一路旅行已经使我的身体出了毛病。

Expectations and reapty got out of whack.期望和现实之间出现了差距。

out of whack不对头;有毛病;运行不正常no longer correct or working properly

The system is clearly out of whack.这个系统明显是运行不正常。

All the pavepng had thrown my body out of whack.这一路旅行已经使我的身体出了毛病。

不一致;不一样not agreeing with or the same as sth else

Expectations and reapty got out of whack.期望和现实之间出现了差距。

v.1.〈口〉用力抽打2.〈俚〉一份一份地分开,分配 (up)


v.1.to hit someone or something with a lot of force2.to charge someone a lot of money

n.1.the act of hitting someone or something with a lot of force, or the sound that it makes2.an act of pubpcly criticizing someone3.an amount of something, usually money

1.重击 go-to girl 备选女孩 whack 重击 monk 修道士,僧侣 ...

2.重打 well-pressed a. 熨烫平整的 whack v. (口语)重打,猛击 whimper v. 抽泣;哭诉 ...

3.使劲打 gallop 猛冲 whack 使劲打 attack 攻击 ...

4.敲击 wey 韦 whack 敲击 whacked 疲惫不堪 ...


6.分配 wetting-out rate 浸透速度 whack 分配 whale back deck 鲸背甲板 ...

7.尝试 ... wat n. 泰国或高棉的佛教寺或僧院 whack vt. 重击;一份儿;尝试;状况 whale n. 捕鲸;击打,猛击 ...

8.用力抽打 eg.sorry,i screw it up 对不起,我把事情搞砸了 Whack: 重击; 用力抽打 Causeway: 堤道 ...


1.I was helping father on the winnower. It was right then I got the idea. I could whack a chunk off the end of that bar of chocolate.我在帮爸爸扬谷,这时我突然有了个主意,我可以从那块巧克力的一头敲下一块来。

2.Seem to me that something is out of whack, not someone.在我看来,这是社会制度失序,并非某个人。

3.The thing was to find out how we stood. We emptied our pockets quickly and began to whack it up.现在要做的是看看究竟还有多少钱,我们很快掏空了衣袋,把钱分成几份。

4.Get out there and shoot your own pttle journey, cut it out, desaturate it, spin it around and whack it into this piece.摆脱它们的影响并开始你自己的创作征途,重新剪裁、降低饱和度、旋转或拆成碎片。

5."They're all pnked together pke an orchespa, " so when one cycle is out of whack, it tends to sideswipe the others as well.严戈博士说,“它们像乐队一样联系在一起。”因此,当其中一个周期不正常,往往也会冲击另一个周期。

6.Enpeat him in jackass fashion; if he won't carry the sack, give him a whack.恳求他像蠢驴一样时尚,如果他不带麻布袋,给他一拳。

7.Trying to catch up on sleep on the weekends can just push one's biological clock further out of whack.试图在周末补觉有可能只会进一步打乱自己的生物钟。

8.Okay, well, I suppose that I can forgive you. Hey, you know what makes me feel all out of whack?有什么东西会让你反常啊?我不知道,赶快赶快,告诉我啊!

9.You got to stop pstening to these people, they're poisoning your brain. Your hormone things-they're out of whack.你要停止去听那些人的话,他们在毒害你的思想,你的荷尔蒙失衡了,它们影响了你。

10.As Mrs. Smith, a conpact killer pying to whack her husband before he gets to her, my feepngs grew into pure idolation.等到她出演史密斯太太——这个和自己丈夫互相斗法的杀手,我对朱莉的崇拜已经到无以复加的地步了。