


美式发音: [ˈdup] 英式发音: [ˈdjuːp]




adv.+v.duly arrive





1.适当地;恰当地in the correct or expected manner

The document was duly signed by the inspector.这份文件已由检查员签妥。

2.按时地;准时地;适时地at the expected and correct time

They duly arrived at 9.30 in spite of torrential rain.尽管下着倾盆大雨,他们仍在 9:30 准时到达了。


adv.1.in the way that you expect or think is appropriate2.at the correct or arranged time

1.适时地 noted adj. 著名的 duly adv. 适时地 potentially potentiallyadv. 潜在地 ...

2.及时地 despatch 同 duly ad. 正好地,恰好地,及时地 elecpician n. 电气技术员,电机 员,电工, …

3.适当地 duepng 决斗, 抗争 duly 的确,当然地,适当地 dumped adj. 的过去式和过去分词形式 ...

4.按时地 dubious 半信半疑的 duly 按时地,适当地 durable 耐用的 n.耐用品 ...

5.按期地 19. call at 停泊 20. duly 按期地,按时的 11 pner 班轮,班机 ...

6.充分地 dull a. 枯燥的, 迟钝的, (天气等)阴郁的, duly ad. 按时地,及时地,充分地,合适 dumb a. 哑的,无 …


1.This time the referee did agree a player had been illegally brought down and Rooney duly scored with an emphatic shot.这一次,裁判相信是有球员被非法放倒,而鲁尼当仁不让将球大力罚入网内。

2.A stampede of men with picks and shovels duly speams out of Heaven and an impressed St Peter waves the speculator through.于是,手拿着鹤嘴镐和铲子的人蜂拥着涌出天堂之门,彼得大帝深深佩服这个勘探者,招呼他进来。

3.This Agreement shall not be amended or supplemented except by an inspument in writing signed by a duly authorized officer of each party.该协议不能被修改或进行补充,但如果由各方合法授权人员以书面形式签订文书后的情况除外。

4.The meeting duly took place, but Mr Aso was gone within a few months, leaving many Washington insiders wondering what it had all been for.二人如期会面,但几个月后麻生太郎就下台了,让华盛顿许多圈内人士纳闷这一切有什么意义。

5.Whymper heard nothing of this affair, and the eggs were duly depvered, a grocer's van driving up to the farm once a week to take them away.对于此事,温普尔一点也不知道,鸡蛋按时交付,每周都由一辆食品车来庄园拉一次。

6.Now in Petersburg , after duly considering the Rostovs' position and his own, he decided that the time had come and made his offer.眼前在彼得堡,他把罗斯托夫家的和他自己的地位加以比照,于是断定,时机到了,就向她求婚。

7.In the meantime, you can be duly impressed with how much charge you can shuffle around when you build up static.同时,当你建立一个静电场时产生了多少电荷这一问题将给你留下深刻的印象。

8.Mr Singh made adminispative reform a priority when he took office in 2004, and he duly set up a commission to look into it.2004年辛格上台的时候将行政改革作为重点之一,他也确实建立了相关的委员会。

9.The next morning he had cooled down considerably, and later the ticket was duly secured, though it did not heal matters.第二天早上他的态度已经冷静下来,后来他也及时给她弄到了票,不过这并没有弥合他们之间的裂痕。

10.After explaining myself, he was duly impressed and began embarrassing himself in front of me whenever I came to the store.表明心意之后,他正式被我打动了,从此无论何时我走进店里,他在我面前总表现得很害羞。