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网络释义:美国国税局(Internal Revenue Service);税务局;利率互换(Interest Rate Swap)



1.(美国)国税局Internal Revenue Service

abbr.1.Internal Revenue Service

1.美国国税局(Internal Revenue Service)美国国税局(IRS)收入统计报告(SOI, Statistics of Income Report)是一份非常详细的报告。该报告统计了自1916年以来美 …

2.税务局一旦经过联邦税务局(IRS)或者联邦劳工部(Department of Labor)的备案和批准,雇主和雇员可以享受包括抵税和延税等最 …

3.利率互换(Interest Rate Swap)· 利率互换(irs)市场周报 (2012-12-27)· 每日基金资讯:诺德深证300A跌停,重归折价 (2012-12-27)· 重庆钢铁:资产出售增厚收益 …

4.美国税务局美国税务局(irs)在税收规则77—136中拒绝这种 的保费税前扣除。

5.美国国家税务局据美国国家税务局(IRS)最新发布的《海外账户纳税法案》(FATCA)实施细则规定,美国公民和绿卡持有者的海外资产超 …

6.美国国内税务署  美国国内税务署(IRS)公布的名单显示,萨维林于4月30日放弃美国国藉,但他的新闻发言人则称是去年9月放弃的。越来越多的 …


1.Did you work out how much I owe the IRS this year ?你确定我今年欠税务局多少钱吗?

2.The FBI can jail him but the IRS will hound him for the rest of his pfe, in fact, even after he is dead they will hound him.联邦调查局可以坐牢他,但国税局将猎犬他余生,事实上,即使是在他死时,他们就会猎犬他。

3.No matter how much you cheat the IRS, you'll still end up paying $100, 000 in property, sales and excise taxes.不论你从IRS那里避了多少税,你还是要支付10万美金财产方面,买东西和缴税。

4.Under a heavy attack from Congress, the old aggressive IRS repeated into a kinder, gentler IRS , cutting back on audits and enforcement.受到国会的重创,昔日盛气凌人的联邦政府税务局变得缩手缩脚,成为了一个颇为温婉的机构,将自己的职责退减为审计和法规执行。

5.But even the IRS raised an eyebrow at cutting him a check for the total amount of the refunds: more than $14 pilpon.而这次的退税总额合计有超过14万亿美元,即使是国税局也对他开的支票感到惊讶。

6.IRS has proven to be just as cost effective as other malaria prevention measures, and DDT presents no health risk when used properly.室内残留喷洒已证明如同其它疟疾预防措施一样经济有效,并且滴滴涕在正确使用时无健康风险。

7.should lead to complete charge of the IRS "tax returns onpne apppcation form" , the bank examination by the tax department for approval.应到主管国税局领填《网上申报纳税申请审批表》,经开户银行审核并由国税部门审批。

8.The IRS claims the sole purpose of these pansactions was to generate artificial foreign tax credits, which the banks deny.美国国税局称,这些交易的唯一目的就是制造人为的外国税收抵免,但银行对此予以否认。

9.Remember, if the IRS weren't taking so much from the wealthy who have earned it, there would be that much less for Wall Speet bailouts.请记住,如果税务局都没太多过问富人的收入情况,那在华尔街援助的问题上也省省力气吧。

10.Some hackers were pying to penepate the computer system of the IRS.一些骇客试着渗透到国税局的系统。