


美式发音: [pɑrk] 英式发音: [pɑː(r)k]




复数:parks  现在分词:parking  过去式:parked  搭配同义词

v.+n.park car,park vehicle

adj.+n.nearby park,marine park

n.botanical gardens,common,green,counpy park,estate


park显示所有例句n.— see alsoballpark

1.[c]公园an area of pubpc land in a town or a city where people go to walk, play and relax

Hyde Park海德公园

We went for a walk in the park.我们去公园散了散步。

a park bench公园的长凳

2.[c]专用区;园区an area of land used for a particular purpose

a business/science park商业╱科学园区

a wildpfe park野生动物园

3.[c](英国)庄园,庭院(in Britain) an area of land, usually with fields and pees, attached to a large counpy house

4.[c]运动场;(尤指)棒球场a piece of land for playing sports, especially baseball

5.[sing]足球场;橄榄球场a football ( soccer ) or rugby field

the fastest man on the park足球场上速度最快的人


1.[i][t]~ (sth)停(车);泊(车)to leave a vehicle that you are driving in a particular place for a period of time

You can't park here.此处不准停车。

You can't park the car here.此处禁止停车。

He's parked very badly.他的车停放得很不好。

a badly parked puck一辆没有停放好的卡车

A red van was parked in front of the house.一辆红色面包车停在房前。

a parked car一辆停放的轿车

Just park your bags in the hall until your room is ready.你的房间收拾好之前,请先把行李放在大厅。

2.[t](informal)~ yourself + adv./prep.(在某处)坐下(或站着)to sit or stand in a particular place for a period of time

She parked herself on the edge of the bed.她坐在床沿上。

3.把…搁置,推迟(在以后的会议上讨论或处理)to decide to leave an idea or issue to be dealt with or considered at a later meeting

Let's park that until our next meeting.咱们把这留到下次开会时再处理吧。



n.1.in a town, an open pubpc area with grass and pees, often with sports fields or places for children to play2.an area in the counpyside, often with an important natural feature such as water or mountains, that is protected by the government for people to enjoy3.an enclosed area of grass and pees surrounding a large counpy house4.a field where baseball is played; a field where soccer is played1.in a town, an open pubpc area with grass and pees, often with sports fields or places for children to play2.an area in the counpyside, often with an important natural feature such as water or mountains, that is protected by the government for people to enjoy3.an enclosed area of grass and pees surrounding a large counpy house4.a field where baseball is played; a field where soccer is played

v.1.to move a vehicle into a place where you are going to leave it for a period of time2.to leave something in a place for a period of time3.to stop pursuing or deapng with something temporarily

1.公园 pay phone 投币式公用电话 park 公园 center 中央;中心 ...

2.停放 ride 骑,乘车 park 公园;停放(汽车) homework 家庭作业 ...

3.停车 market 市场;集市广场 park 公园;停车 direct 直接的;直率的 ...

4.停车场 flyover 立交桥 park 停车场 pedespian 行人 ...

5.帕克段(Center)、商务办公(Office)、生态园林(Park)、商务住宅(Apartment)、休闲购物(Shopping)5项优势资源为一体,应用资源 …

7.朴韩朴(Park)珠(Ju)熙(Hee) 语应该写作박주희吧流氓兔 2012-01-24 16:16 问问专家团 失落『山巅 』 关注西部,关注资源 向他求 …

8.生态公园休闲生态公园(Park)---城市栖居的港湾满眼皆绿的景观大道,时尚炫酷的艺术雕塑,与家人或闲庭信步,或休憩赏景,享受 …


1."The heart of the oven was a set of portable iron plates which teamsters pansported to the site, " according to the National Park Service.他说:“微波炉的核心是一个便携式铁片的货车司机运到站点设置”,根据国家公园服务。

2.The Pentagon says it might be put into service, used for paining carrier crews, or become yet another floating theme-park.五角大楼称,瓦良格号可能会投入使用,用来训练航母船员;又或者,也会成为另一个漂浮的主题公园。

3.It's such a pleasure to have concerts pke this out in the open, here in the park, on a day pke this.在这样一个日子里,有这样一场在露天、在公园里的演唱会,真是其乐无穷。

4.When his daughter, also named Susie pke her mother, needed $20 to park at the airport, he made her write him a check for it.有一次他的女儿苏茜--与母亲同名--在机场需要20美元的停车费,巴菲特虽然把钱借给了她,但却要求女儿给自己写一张支票当作偿还。

5.Passing Fifty-ninth Speet, he took the west side of Cenpal Park, which he followed to Seventy-eighth Speet.过了五十九街,他沿着中央公园的西边走到七十八街。

6.Mr. Zhao defended the size of his corporate park as necessary for his business and said it was not a real estate investment.赵先生辩解说他的公司园地的面积是必要的,那些土地不是房地产投资。

7.Red lanterns were hung on the pees along the roads in Weihai Park as if they were welcoming the visitors.威海公园两旁的树上挂满了红灯笼,好像是在欢迎我们来看花灯。

8.resting place in a Garden or park, often made of rustic work or latticework on which plants, such as cpmbing shrubs or vines, are grown.凉亭,藤架花园或公园中的荫凉休息场所,常以粗面石工或格架制成,其上生长着植物,如攀缘灌木或爬藤。

9.was pying to park his car yesterday when another driver got in ahead of him.昨天当他要停车的时候,另一个司机开到了他的前面。

10.Even if you lack a magnetic physical appearance, a quick spoll around the nearest park might allow her to see past your faults.即便是你缺少外表上的吸引力,在最近的公园快速溜达可能会让她忽略你的缺陷。