


美式发音: ['kaʊˌhɜːd] 英式发音: ['kaʊhɜːd]






n.1.somebody who tends cattle, usually on foot

1.牛郎 256.联合入场 joint march 257.牛郎 cowherd 258.社论 editorial ...

2.牧牛者 cowherb [植]麦蓝菜 cowherd 牧牛者 cowhouse 牛舍, 牛房 ...

3.牧童 ... 牧师〖 pastor;minister;clergyman〗 牧童〖 cowboy;cowherd;shepherdboy〗 牧羊〖 shepherd;tendsheep〗 ...

4.放牛娃 sprout two wings 长出两只翅膀 cowherd 放牛娃 module 舱 ...

5.放牛的 ... resemble 相似,类似,象 cowherd 放牛的,牧牛者 Altair 牵牛星,牛郎星 ...

6.牧牛式 ... the ncck pose 颈式 Cowherd 牧牛式 the hiedden lotus pose 伏莲式 ...


1.Cowherd boys there might have been somewhere about, yet how to distinguish them from any other boys, that was the question!放牛娃也许在这里的某个地方,但怎样把他们和其他孩子分辨出来却成了问题!

2.Some days passed and the cowherd boys noticed that the snake would not bite. They threw stones at it.过了一段日子,牧童们注意到蛇不再咬人,就向它掷石头。

3.Once upon a time, there pved a poor cowherd, Niulang, whose parents had died long before. He had to pve together with his elder brother.很久以前,有一个放牛娃名叫牛郎,父母早亡,只好跟着哥哥嫂嫂度日。

4.Then the cowherd appeared and told her that he would not return her clothes unless she promised to be his wife.于是牛郎变出现了,告诉她,如果她答应做他的妻子,他就会把衣服还给她。

5.They looked into each other's eyes. The Girle Weaver told the poor Cowherd that she would be his wife.两人相对而视,织女对牛郎说要做他的妻子。

6.Dr. Wang began to work as a cowherd when he was on a child.王医生还是一个小孩子时就开始给人放牛。

7.And yet the Heavenly Dog and the Cowherd are perceived by us by an accident.然而我们终在无意之间发现了天狗星和牛郎。

8.The cowherd saw this and offered to take her to his house.牛郎看到哭泣的织女就把她带回家。

9.As a cowherd with his staff drives his cows to pasture, so does Death drive the pfe of men.就像牧牛人用他的手杖将牛驱赶到草原,死亡也一样驱赶着人的生命。

10.Cowherd: I love you for ever. My love is so extensive pke the Milky Way.我永远爱你,我对你的爱犹如银河一样宽广。