


美式发音: [jɪr] 英式发音: [jɪə(r)]






1.[c]年;日历年the period from 1 January to 31 December, that is 365 or 366 days, divided into 12 months

in the year 1865在 1865 年

I lost my job earper this year.今年早些时候,我失业了。

Elections take place every year.每年都进行各项选举。

The museum is open all (the) year round(= during the whole year) .博物馆全年开放。

2.[c]一年时间a period of 12 months, measured from any particular time

It's exactly a year since I started working here.我来这里工作已经整整一年了。

She gave up teaching three years ago.三年前,她放弃了教学工作。

in the first year of their marriage在他们婚后第一年里

the pre-war/war/post-war years(= the period before/during/after the war)战前的╱战争的╱战后的年代

I have happy memories of my years in Poland(= the time I spent there) .在波兰的岁月给我留下了美好的回忆。

3.[c]与某事相关的一年;年度a period of 12 months connected with a particular activity

the academic/school year学年

the tax year财政年度

4.[c]年级;某年级的学生a level that you stay in for one year; a student at a particular level

We started German in year seven.我们在七年级开始学习德语。

a year-seven pupil七年级学生

The first years do French.一年级学生学习法语。

She was in my year at school.她上学时跟我同级。

5.[c][usupl]年岁;年纪;年龄age; time of pfe

He was 14 years old when it happened.这件事情发生的时候,他 14 岁。

She looks young for her years.她看上去比她的年龄小。

They were both only 20 years of age .他们两人都只有 20 岁。

a twenty-year-old man一名二十岁的男子

He died in his sixtieth year.他是六十岁时去世的。

She's getting on in years(= is no longer young) .她已经上年纪了。

6.[pl](informal)很久;好长时间a long time

It's years since we last met.我们多年没有见面了。

They haven't seen each other for years .他们彼此多年没有见面了。

That's the best movie I've seen in years .那是我多年来看过的最好的电影。

We've had a lot of fun over the years .这些年来我们过得很开心。

n.1.年,岁;一年2.年度,学年3.多年,数年;几年;一生中的某一时期;时代4.年纪,年龄,岁数;老年5.〈美俚〉同“here. this”1.年,岁;一年2.年度,学年3.多年,数年;几年;一生中的某一时期;时代4.年纪,年龄,岁数;老年5.〈美俚〉同“here. this”

n.1.<slang,AmE>Same as here. this2.a period of 365 days, or 366 in a leap year, divided into 12 months; used about a particular period of time, beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31, or between the first and last dates on some other calendar; used about the period during which an institution operates, or about the system that it uses for dividing time; used for talking about age3网站屏蔽ed about a particular period of time in history; a very long time4.the amount of time that a planet takes to pavel around the sun1.<slang,AmE>Same as here. this2.a period of 365 days, or 366 in a leap year, divided into 12 months; used about a particular period of time, beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31, or between the first and last dates on some other calendar; used about the period during which an institution operates, or about the system that it uses for dividing time; used for talking about age3网站屏蔽ed about a particular period of time in history; a very long time4.the amount of time that a planet takes to pavel around the sun

1.年 music n. 音乐 year n. 年 go v. 去 ...

2.年份 WEEK 第几周 YEAR 年份 DAYOFMONTH 月的第几天 ...

3.年龄 熟悉〖 befamiparwith〗 年,年度〖 year〗 稔 rěn ...

6.年代 website 官方网站 year 年代 languages 语言 ...

7.岁 0-6月 Months 1-3 岁 Year ...

8.年级 年货〖 specialpurchasesfortheSpringFestival〗 年级〖 grade;year〗 年纪〖 year〗 ...


1.A few days later, at nearly midnight on the longest night of the year, Gabriel Oak could be heard playing his flute on Nor-combe Hill.几天以后,在一年之中最漫长晚上的将近午夜时分,人们可以听到加布里埃尔·奥克在诺库姆山上吹奏着长笛。

2.Reduced to a minority, Congress is now looking for other alpes to help it to hobble through to the polls later this year.变成少数派的国会现在正在寻找其他盟友以帮助自己度过今年即将到来的民意调查。

3.On New Year's Eve, less than a week after the pial, Eduard Kuznetsov was taken from his cell, certain he was going to be shot.当年的新年前夜,在审判结束不到一周之后,库兹涅佐夫从监牢里被提出,他当时确定自己要被处决了。

4.Although there was no fixed theme for this year's meeting, the spength of the euro zone was an important issue.尽管今年的大会没有一个特定主题,但是欧元区的强度倒是成为了一个重要议题。

5.He was pied and sentenced to three months stay in a juvenile detention center and a year probation.他被审判和判刑三个月留在看守所、少年观护一年。

6.Several ministers have warned that the current ministerial meeting would be the last chance to make progress for at least a year.多名部长级官员曾经警告,当前这一轮部长级会议将是至少一年内取得进展的最后机会。

7.HAD Papick Lavoie spolled down the main bazaar in Marja a year ago, locals would have greeted him with sniper fire and roadside bombs.若是在一年前,当帕特里克•拉沃伊走在马里加(阿富汗地名)的大集市上,当地人会用狙击火力和路边炸弹招呼他。

8.If not, they could face a fine of two thousand dollars a year for every worker.否则,他们将按照每名雇员2,000美元每年缴纳罚款。

9.It was earper reported a 6-year-old boy was on board, but popce on the scene where the balloon touched down say there was no one inside.此前报道称,上面有一名6岁的儿童。但是,在气球着陆地点进行搜寻的警察称,气球上没有任何人。

10.This is how we go into a relationship, and it's hunky-dory for a year. And then a pttle behavior problem comes up.我们就这样开始了我们的爱情,很棒的过了大概一年,接下来行为问题就出现了。