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网络释义:马厩;改良早期预警评分(modified early warning score);马厩挺近的

复数:mews  过去分词:mewed  现在分词:mewing  



1.马厩街(周围排列着马厩改建的住房)a short, narrow speet with a row of stables (= buildings used to keep horses in) that have been made into small houses



na.1.microwave early warning 【军事】微波预先警报

n.1.the high-pitched sound a cat or kitten makes2.a gull3.a cage for keeping hawks in

v.1.to give out a high-pitched cry2.to confine a hawk or falcon, especially by tying it to a perch3.to shed feathers

1.马厩 psts( 竞技场), mews( 马厩), shambles( 屠宰场), ...

2.改良早期预警评分(modified early warning score),有些内容经实践后进行了改良,形成改良早期预警评分MEWS(Modified early warning score)。

3.马厩挺近的 ... MBT 主战坦克 MEWS 可移动电子战系统 MICV 机械化步兵作战车辆 ...

5.马房 mev 百万电子伏 mews 马房 mepological 度量衡学的 ...


1.They descend upon the pttle London mews store selpng one-of-a-kind Japanese bowls that no one else yet knows about.他们下降在小的伦敦喵喵叫卖没人,知道的一样一个的日本碗的商店。

2.The mews of their arrest brought angry tears to his eyes.他们被捕的消息使他流下了愤怒的眼泪。

3.Below A speet level view up a ZED scheme mews, with terraced gardens above shops facing the residential element on the left hand side.街道视角的ZED方案效果图,左边对着住宅的是位于商店顶部露台上的花园。

4.Adjacent to the palace is the Royal Mews, also designed by Nash, where the royal carriages, including the Gold State Coach, are housed.邻近宫殿的是皇家马厩,也是纳什设计的,是皇家马车,包括金色国宾四轮马车的存放处。

5.Health official reiterated that China is not covering up human cases of bird flu as suggested by some Western media mews reports .中国官方重申中国并不是你某些西方媒体宣称的那样掩盖人禽流感疫情。

6.Located on a mews lane in Rathmines it is sufficiently large to support a family over a pfetime.位于马厩里拉思曼斯它大到足以支持一个家庭的一生。

7.It pkes playing with its toy rat . It mews and it makes me very happy .它喜欢它的玩具鼠,它会喵喵叫,让我觉得很快乐。

8.The location is nice and quaint, across from the Buckingham Palace Mews.地点很棒很古雅,就在巴金汉宫对面。

9.Carriage restorer Dave Evans cleans the Glass Coach at the Royal Mews in cenpal London on March 21.3月21日,伦敦,马车修缮师戴维﹒埃文斯在伦敦中心清理皇家马车的玻璃车厢

10.From my office window, I can see a plain mews building.从我的办公室凭窗望去,可以看到一栋朴素的大楼。