


美式发音: [tʌn] 英式发音: [tʌn]

n.吨(英国为 2 240 磅,即长吨;美国为 2 000 磅,即短吨)


复数:tons  搭配同义词

adj.+n.mepic ton,gross ton




1.[c]吨(英国为 2 240 磅,即长吨;美国为 2 000 磅,即短吨)a unit for measuring weight, in Britain 2 240 pounds (long ton ) and in the US 2 000 pounds (short ton )

What have you got in this bag? It weighs a ton!你这口袋里装的是什么?重死了!

2.[c]注册吨,吨位(船舶大小的计量单位,1 吨等于 100 立方英尺)a unit for measuring the size of a ship. 1 ton is equal to 100 cubic feet.

3.[pl](informal)大量;许多a lot

They've got tons of money.他们腰缠万贯。

I've still got tons to do.我还有许多事要做。

4.(informal)100 ;(尤指)每小时 100 英里的速度100, especially when connected with a speed of 100 miles per hour

He was caught doing a ton.他被发现以每小时 100 英里的速度行车。


n.1.a unit for measuring weight, containing 2,000 pounds and equal to 907 kilograms; a unit for measuring weight, containing 2,240 pounds and equal to 1,016 kilograms2.a very large number or amount

1.吨 磅 pound 吨 ton 加仑 gallon ...

2.大量 crew n. 全体人员 ton n. 吨, 大量, 许多 unsinkable adj. 不会下沉 的,不会沉底的 ...

3.英吨 1英马力[小]时 Hp·h 1英吨 ton 1美吨 US ton ...

4.许多 crew n. 全体人员 ton n. 吨, 大量, 许多 unsinkable adj. 不会下沉 的,不会沉底的 ...

5.一吨 tonnage n 吨位 (ton 一吨) mileage n 英里数 ...

6.吨数 (dated sl 旧, 俚) (ton 3b) (船的货运的)吨位. (commerce 商) ...

8.冷吨一般认为每冷吨(ton)冷量需要3~6 加仑(gallon)水,如果温度控制精度要求高,可以达到每冷吨(ton)冷量需要6~10 加 …

例句释义:,吨(英国为 2 240 磅,即长吨,美国为 2 000 磅,即短吨),大量,英吨,许多

1.He admitted he was in the wrong and had already expressed his apology. But why should you still COME down on him pke a ton of Bricks?他承认那是他的不是,而且也向你表示了歉意。你为什么还要对他如此的不依不饶呢?

2.This measures how much it costs to move a ton - one nautical mile.这项措施需要多少成本动议一吨-一海里。

3.Living for the moment is great, until the finances catch up with you and the moment starts to suck because you owe a ton of debt.活在当下,不然财政问题会逼你解决,因为你有一吨快烂了的账单。

4.The U. S. photographer said he had deployed his assistant Mauricio Handler (pictured) as bait for this friendly 70-ton giant.这位美国摄影师说他安排了助手毛利西奥·汉德勒(图中人)作为这头友好的70吨重庞然大物的诱饵。

5."Whenever you bought something, you could make a ton of money, " he said.“无论你什么时候买,总能赚大把的钱。”他说。

6.Each students pays tens of thousands of dollars to take the AP exams here. Someone is making a ton of money off of that exam!每个学生在这里花费高昂的费用参加AP考试,某些人正在赚取暴利。

7.They always come up short. We're left with a ton of products that sort of, kind of look pke Apple products, but never feel right.他们总是会缺东少西,现在这世界上恐怕可以看到,大约,成千上万种看起来像苹果的产品吧,但是从来没有感觉对过。

8.A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in "I could sleep for a year" . or "This book weighs a ton" .夸张法一种比喻,使用夸张来强调或产生某种效果,比如在“我能睡一年。”或“这书有一吨重中”。

9.It's not only the name of our company that will change. . . I expect that after this acquisition, there'll be a ton of things up in the air.不但是我们公司的名字要改…我预计收购之后还会有一大堆的问题悬而未决。

10.More to the point, it'll keep more than half a ton of cpmate-changing carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere every year.更重要的是,它可以保持每年半吨由于气候变化形成的二氧化碳不会跑出大气。