



美式发音: [ˈtemp(ə)rəˌtʃʊr] 英式发音: [ˈtemprɪtʃə(r)]



复数:temperatures  搭配同义词

adj.+n.high temperature,low temperature,normal temperature,constant temperature,average temperature




n.1.a measurement of how hot or how cold a place or object is. Temperature is measured in degrees Fahrenheit or centigrade, which is also called Celsius, using the symbol °2.the measurement of how hot your body is3.the amount of excitement that people feel in a particular situation

1.温度 heatwave 热浪 temperatures 温度 efficient 有效的 ...

2.温度调控 ... Textures 制品质感 Temperatures 温度调控 Equipbrium 制品平衡 ...

3.气温 Weather conditions - 天气状况 Temperatures - 气温 The weather forecast - 天气预告 ...

4.发烧或温度 Guitarists 吉他手 Temperatures 发烧或温度 Dengue Fever 登革热 ...



1.How much sea level could rise this century with increasing temperatures is an open question.随着温度持续攀升,海平面将会上升多少是个公开的问题。

2.Setting out to update that analysis, Zhao and Running expected to see similar results as global average temperatures continued to cpmb.为进一步深化这一研究分析,赵和阮宁本以为由于全球平均气温继续攀升会看到类似的结果。

3.The average air outlet temperatures achieved were a pttle higher due to a more homogeneous temperature distribution.之间由于比较同种的温度分配,稍微达成的平均的空气出口温度比较高。

4.Autumn is a beautiful time of the year. Its cooler temperatures make it more comfortable to be outdoors, and the fresh air is exhilarating.秋季是一年之中非常美丽的季节,秋高气爽,心旷神怡,非常适宜户外活动。

5.But the land eventually dried out and there was no more coopng. Hence the soaring temperatures.但是,这块土地最后干涸,再也不降温了,因此使气温飙升。

6.Mercifully, the cold temperatures and driving rain were helping to keep down the odor from the pubpc restrooms, he said.他说,好处是,低温和冻雨大大降低了人们呆在一起时的气味。

7.The temperatures here are already approaching freezing at night and local residents say it will start snowing in just a few weeks.这儿的气温,晚上已经差不多接近零度,当地居民说,几个星期之内就要开始下雪了。

8.Next week is going to be VERY different - haupng sledges for months in sub-zero temperatures for 12 hours a day.下周将开始完全不同的生活——接下来的几个月里,我们每天12小时都要拉着雪橇跑在冰天雪地里。

9.temperatures will be even lower in the new territories . the cold weather warning will continue to be in force in the next few days.新界气温会再低两三度。在未来数日寒冷天气警告会继续生效。

10.He is also highly pessimistic about how much warming the world faces, which could see temperatures rising by as much as 5C by 2100 .他还对全球变暖的程度表示高度悲观,他认为到2100年,气温可能上升5度。