


美式发音: [ˈtuzˌdeɪ] 英式发音: [ˈtjuːzdeɪ]






n.1.the day after Monday and before Wednesday

1.周二 ... 周一 Mondays 周二 Tuesdays 周三 Wednesdays ...

2.星期二 Monday( 星 期 一 ), Tuesdays( 星 期 二 ), Wednesday( 星 期 三 ), ...

3.每星期二 parole n. 诺言, 誓言 tuesdays adv. 每星期二 jenkins 煤柱中的窄道 ...

4.逢星期二晚 ... 8/28/2012 to 11/13/20128 月28日 至11月13日 Tuesdays 逢星期二晚 6:30pm ~ -8:00pm6 点半 ~ 8 …


1.chase: you don't have to make a big deal about it, i just thought i'd let you know. i decided tuesdays would be a good day to do that.切斯:你别把这当什么大事儿,我就想让你知道我的心意罢了。以后我决定每周二都过来说一下咯。

2.The pace of protest will no doubt be tempered, with a shift to large demonstrations on Tuesdays and Fridays.抗议的步伐无疑将得到锻炼,以期在星期二和星期五大规模示威转变。

3.Those whom the Master wanted for special instruction he would ask to visit him on Tuesdays and Saturdays.对于希望得到师父特别指引的人,师父会要求他周二和周六拜访他。

4.On Tuesdays through Saturdays, her grandmother takes her to the program site, a covered area outside a rundown warehouse.从星期二到星期六,她奶奶都带着他来到这个项目点,一个破旧仓库外的雨棚区。

5.ird step is to be consistent in words and behaviors. It's not enough to be trustworthy only on Tuesdays and Thursdays .第三步是语言、行为上的始终如一。仅仅做到每周二、周三是“值得信任的”还不够。

6.Once, that was the official retirement age, the birthday after which you could spend entire Tuesdays on the golf course with no judgment.这曾经是官方规定的退休年龄,在过了65岁生日之后,人们可以在周二一整天都无所顾虑地在高尔夫球场上打发时间。

7.The store is open two days a week, Tuesdays after school, and Saturdays.服装店每星期营业两天,每星期二放学后和每个星期六。

8."Henceforth, " he explained, "I shall call on Tuesdays. "“今后,”他解释说,“我将每星期二来访。”(之中)

9.Best for getting some shut-eye: We have the least amount of sex on Tuesdays according to a health survey from research company GfK NOP.最适合睡觉:据GfKNOP研究公司的健康调查显示,我们在周二做爱的次数最少。

10.ANDREA: He's here on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. What day did you want to see him?安琪拉:好的。他星期二,星期四和星期五都会在这里。哪一天你想见他?。