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网络释义:国际竞争性招标(International Competitive Bidding);银行业独立委员会(Independent Commission on Banking);团束



1.国际竞争性招标(International Competitive Bidding)国际竞争性招标(ICB)是指邀请世界银行成员国的承包商参加投标,从而确定最低评标价的投标人为中标人,并与之签订合同的 …

2.银行业独立委员会(Independent Commission on Banking)针对英国银行业独立委员会ICB)11日公布的银行业改革建议,劳埃德银行集团提出质疑,该集团首席执行官称该报告基于有 …

3.团束离子团束ICB)沉积技术用于制备有机功能薄膜是最适用的。它是将材料蒸发经过绝热膨胀过程,电离过程形成荷电原子团, …

4.国际竞争性招标方式当国际竞争性招标方式(ICB)是采购物资、设备和服务的恰当方式时,使用JBIC招标文件样本(SBD)是极为可取的。资格预审 …

5.商业杂志(International Creative Business)向大家介绍这期 ICB (International Creative Business) 杂志里的二个专栏,一个是肯梦创办人朱平先生的 Business View,另一 …


1.to provide to ICB and the China Agricultural University copies of any of my transcripts and discippnary records.本人授权英国贝德福德大学向中国农业大学及国际学院提供本人的所有成绩和奖惩记录。

2.The task of Sir John Vickers, ICB chair, and his colleagues was to find ways to lower the risk of it happening again.ICB主席约翰•维克斯爵士(SirJohnVickers)及其同僚的任务,就是找到办法降低再次发生此类事件的风险。

3.The name, identification, and number of lots of the international Competitive Bidding (ICB) are provided in the BDS.在BDS中提供了许多国际竞争性招标(ICB)的名称、身份以及号码。

4.Perhaps it was a concern that the ICB might yet come up with something more radical if he dalped.也许是因为如果他报无所谓的态度,银行福利委员会也许会想出一些更加偏激的方案。

5.If all countries achieved perfect external balance at the year's end, the sum of member banks' balances in the ICB would be exactly zero.如果到年底,所有国家都能实现国际收支的完美平衡,那么成员国央行在国际清算同盟的账户余额应该正好为零。

6.Needless to say, critics have also condemned the report as irrelevant, damaging, or toothless.不用说,批评者还指责ICB的报告不切题、具有破坏性,或者缺乏效力。

7.Countries in persistent credit with the ICB would be allowed (and then required) to revalue their currencies.和ICB有持久债务的国家将被允许(或是要求)重新调整他们的币值。

8.The ICB does not release its final report until September and banks are not expected to make any decision before then.ICB要到9月才公布最终报告,银行业者料不会在那之前就作出决定.(完)

9.As the ICB's Interim Report showed, the role of British banks in the City is quite modest.正如ICB的中期报告所显示的那样,英国银行在金融城的角色非常小。

10.George Osborne, the Tory chancellor of the exchequer, this week pledged to implement the ICB's recommendations in full.保守党的财政大成乔治奥斯本保证在这周完成执行银行独立委员会的建议。