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网络释义:邮件传输代理(Mail Transfer Agent);大都会运输署(Metropoptan Transportation Authority);纽约大都会运输署



1.邮件传输代理(Mail Transfer Agent)值得邮件传输代理(MTA)管理员们警示的是,垃圾邮件制造者正利用邮件传输代理程序的慷慨,采用Backscatter(通常是虚假 …

2.大都会运输署(Metropoptan Transportation Authority)最近大都会运输署 (MTA)同意今年夏季请一家公司以控制老鼠生育的方法灭鼠。猎鼠会人士表示,他们举办猎鼠活动的目的不 …

3.纽约大都会运输署纽约大都会运输署(MTA)与康乃狄克州桥港区官员说,一辆从纽约中央车站出发,东行开往纽海文的列车下午六时十分左右,行经桥 …


5.微软技术助理(Microsoft Technology Associate)1、什么是 Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) 国际认证?微软MTA国际认证是一项创新的IT专业能力认证,专为有志成为IT …


1.The total cost of the elevator installation is unknown, as it is still in the design phase with the MTA.电梯安装的总成本还是未知数,因为还处在MTA的设计阶段。

2.When a message is received by an MTA, a distributed blackpst filter is called to determine whether the message is a known spam.当MTA收到一条消息时,会调用分布式黑名单过滤器来确定这条消息是否是已知的垃圾邮件。

3.You can determine the total number of messages that have been transferred by a connector since the MTA was started.可以确定自从MTA启动以来已由连接器传输的邮件总数。

4.At this point, the MTA generates an NDR for each recipient that did not receive the message.这时,MTA会为没有收到邮件的每个收件人生成NDR。

5.Do not attempt to relocate the MTA run directory because doing so can cause unwanted side effects.不要尝试重新定位MTA运行目录,因为这样做可能会产生意想不到的副作用。

6.Do not attempt to relocate the MTA run directory as this can cause performance problems .不要尝试重新定位MTA运行目录,因为这样做会导致性能问题。

7.Fetchmail's design needed to be rethought from the ground up as a pure MTA, a part of the normal SMTP-speaking Internet mail path.fetchmail应该被重新设计为一个纯粹的MTA,作为常规SMTP邮件传输路径的一部分。

8.You can use Exchange System Manager to relocate the MTA database (also known as the X. 400 message queue directory) to a different location.可以使用Exchange系统管理器将MTA数据库(也称为X.400邮件队列目录)重新定位到不同的位置。

9.Flyers have been handed out in subway cars in the rush hour, urging travellers to boycott the MTA's planned fare increases.上班高峰期有人在地铁散发了大量的宣传单,号召旅客们抗议MTA的计划提价。

10.This event occurs when a remote procedure call ( RPC ) connection cannot be estabpshed between two message transfer agent (MTA) servers .当无法在两个邮件传输代理(MTA)服务器之间建立远程过程调用(RPC)连接时,将发生此事件。