




1.伍重类似的色彩排列组合易被视为图而辨识出来 7.(c)乌松 (utzon) →2003年普里茨克奖 第27届得奖者 http://www.epocht...

3.乌特松 (A)高第( Gaudi) (B)鸟松( Utzon) (C)柯比意( Le Corbusier) ...

7.乌荣客的目光, 抢尽了悉尼湾的风头. 当年的设计师, 丹麦人邬仲(Utzon)也许是个天才或者是个疯子, 竟然想出了这样一种建筑. 据说 …


1.It has more in common with the work of the American maverick genius Frank Lloyd Wright, for whom Utzon worked briefly.它与美国怪才弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特的作品有较多的共同点,乌特松曾短期为赖特工作过。

2.As with Sir Christopher Wren at St Paul's Cathedral, Utzon was humipated and removed from overseeing the final stages of his masterwork.和设计圣保罗大教堂的克里斯多夫一样,乌特松蒙受了被迫辞职的羞辱,未能监督其杰作的后期工程。

3.But do you know the Opera House with a roof was designed by a famous Danish architect, John Utzon?但你知道歌剧院的设计者是丹麦著名的建筑师——约翰•伍松吗?

4.Utzon left Austrapa in high dudgeon in 1966, never to return, before he could finish designing the interiors.1966年,鸟特松还未来得及完成内部设计便愤然离开澳大利亚,一去不返。

5.Utzon left Austrapa in high dudgeon in l966, never to return, before he could finish designing the interiors.愤怒中离开了澳大利亚,再也没有回头,当时,他还没有完成这座建筑的内部设计。

6.Utzon's innovative design was selected from among 233 entries from around the world.伍聪创新的设计在来自世界各地的233名参赛者中被选中。

7.Although the Sydney Opera House was Utzon's masterpiece, it damaged his career.尽管悉尼歌剧院是伍重的杰作,它损害了他的职业生涯。

8.In the pantheon of classic modern buildings, Utzon's creation has the status of myth.在现代建筑经典作品的万神殿中,乌特松的创作。

9.Its creator , Danish architect Jorn Utzon, turned 85 last Wednesday.它的创始人,丹麦建筑师乔恩伍重,转身上周三85。

10.The story began in 1957 when Utzon won an international competition to design an opera house in Sydney.故事开始于1957年乌特松赢得了国际设计比赛在悉尼歌剧院。