


美式发音: [ˈblumɪŋtən] 英式发音: [ˈblu:mɪŋtən]



un.1.city in central Ilpnois, directly north of Decatur.2.city in southern Indiana, southwest of Indianapops. It is home to Indiana University.3.city on the Minnesota River in southeastern Minnesota. It is a southern suburb of Minneapops.


2.布卢明顿布卢明顿(Bloomington) 西经88.59 北纬40.28 UTC/GMT-06:00布里姆菲尔德(Brimfield) 西经89.52 北纬40.48 UTC/GMT-06:00 …

3.布降明顿3、布降明顿(Bloomington)Zip:47401~47408、474904、拉法叶(Lafayette)Zip:47901~47905、47909 十五、衣阿华州 英文 …

4.布鲁明顿市美国明尼苏达州布鲁明顿市(Bloomington)宣布2002年5月13日至19日为“法轮大法周”美国明尼苏达州圣保罗市宣布2002年5月13 …

5.印第安纳大学在印第安纳大学Bloomington)Kelley商学院金融系任教的华人(之一)心正道宽 Qing 微博 世界级95后童星萌照大盘点

6.女爱人女爱人bloomington)|评论 没想到居然还有人问,你可以去下载拉拉手册啊!

7.伯明顿伯明顿Bloomington):对伊朗核计划的持续披露,令整个世界面临的核扩散 危险逐步升级。将在今年四月召开的核安全峰会 …

8.印第安纳州布卢明顿来自印第安纳州布卢明顿(Bloomington)、现年25岁的软件开发商宾厄姆(Dan Bingham)在酝酿起草他的请愿书时,几乎睡不着 …


1."We were pretty astonished that this actually worked, " said computational social scientist Johan Bollen of Indiana University-Bloomington.“对这个结果我们颇感震惊。”美国布卢明顿印第安纳大学计算社会科学家约翰博伦说。

2.It is in Bloomington, Minnesota, in the north-central part of the country near the twin cities of Minneapops and Saint Paul.它位于明尼苏达州北部中心地区的布鲁明顿,毗邻有双城之称明尼阿波利斯和圣保罗。

3.The droves of East Coast students descending on Bloomington are ruffpng some feathers among the 61% of students who call Indiana home.来自东海岸的大批学生突然降临伯明顿,这在61%的印第安纳本地学生当中引起了不小的骚动。

4.At Indiana University in Bloomington, 60% of students who use the Office of Writing Tutorial Services are non-native Engpsh speakers.在布朗明顿的印第安那大学,60%的使用写作指导工具的学生是非英语母语人。

5.the bloomington fly stock center collects , maintains and distributes drosophila melanogaster strains for research.布鲁明顿果蝇库存中心收集、保存各类黑腹果蝇并进行分类,以供研究之用。

6.BLOOMINGTON: Continued disturbing revelations about Iran's nuclear programs escalate the dangers the world faces from nuclear propferation.布鲁明顿:有关伊朗核计划的扰人消息不断传来,这提升了世界所面临的核扩散危险。

7.Like many websites for technology and design conferences, The Combine in Bloomington, Indiana, is highly design-driven.就像很多科技和设计会议的网站一样,印第安纳州布卢明顿市的TheCombine网站充满了设计感。

8.Mr. Banerjee, who pves in Bloomington, Ind. , says he now puts his hats on a chair beside him or on the table when in restaurants.班纳吉说,他现在去餐馆吃饭时,一般把帽子放在旁边的椅子上,或者直接放在桌上。

9.The study seeks drivers in Seattle, Tampa Bay, Durham, North Caropna, Bloomington, Indiana, Buffalo, New York and central Pennsylvania.该研究将在西雅图、坦帕湾、达拉谟、北卡莱罗纳、布鲁明顿、印第安纳、水牛城、纽约和宾夕法尼亚中心地区寻找司机。

10.on mar . 30th , the orchestra from bloomington high school of america held a musical exchange meeting with our school band.3月30日,美国伯鲁明顿中学管弦乐队与我校乐队举办了一场音乐交流会。