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1.跩妹黛薇儿 饿狼 Fatal 达里亚 Daria 迪曼特 dimant ...

5.达里娅 Danila 达妮拉 Daria 达里娅 Depa 德利娅 ...

6.达丽娅 娜塔莉 Natape 达利亚 Daria 拉尔夫 Ralph ...

8.戴维亚 Darius 戴维斯 Daria 戴维亚 Binga 冰加 ...


1.The news comes as The Sun newspaper reported that Mr Abramovich was this week seen in Paris with Daria Zhukova, 25, a Russian former model.伴随这条消息的还有太阳报报导的阿布在巴黎与俄罗斯前模,25岁的DariaZhukova会面的消息。

2.It is here, in 10141 Daria Place, that he had the new sprinkler system put in, along with a set of green curtains of Laura's choosing.正是在这里,达瑞亚街10141号,他安装了新的自动喷水系统,以及一套劳拉选择的绿色窗帘。

3.Mark creates the meeting with Ray and Daria as required attendees and the rest as optional.在创建会议时,Mark将Ray和Daria标为必需的参与者。

4.Scientists say all the evidence suggests the bones do belong to Chrysanthus and Daria, who were killed in 283AD for spreading Christianity.科学家称,所有证据显示,这些遗骸的主人是基桑托和达丽娅。二人在公元283年因传教被害。

5.Daria: I recently participated in a poll held by a magazine.我前天则是参与了一个杂志举行的民调。

6.In Mark's opinion, his manager, Ray, and his team's leader, Daria, are key participants.按照Mark的看法,他的经理Ray和他的团队主管Daria是关键的参与者。

7.That, at any rate, is the argument made in a new paper by Richard Baldwin and Daria Tagponi of the Graduate Institute, Geneva.无论如何,这是日内瓦日内瓦国际研究协会研究生院的理查德·鲍尔温和达里亚·塔格里奥尼最新一篇文章的观点。

8.Daria: The poptical relationship between China and Taiwan.中国与台湾的政治关系。

9.Daria: There' s a thousand sides to everything - not just heroes and villains.达莉亚:事事都不是那么简单,不仅仅是英雄和恶棍。

10.When Allen searches for free time, he can select Mark, Ray, Daria, Bill, and Sarah and deselect the rest of the attendees (see figure 4).当Allen搜索空闲时间时,他选择Mark、Ray、Daria、Bill和Sarah,并取消其他参与者(见图4)。