




1.伊曼 Ilona 美丽的,阳光般的 Iman 信仰 Inayat 亲切,人次,友善 ...

4.伊芳曼...YOUR NEW CONTEMPORARY... ... ● rasul( 先知) ● iman信条) ● dakwah( 宣教) ...

6.天雯 8.Ihsan 善行 11.Iman 忠诚 12.Ingmar 有名的儿子 ...


1.Jose Calderon made one of Toronto's nine turnovers in the period. Iman Shumpert would cut to the rack for a dunk, making it a 3-point game.何塞•卡尔德隆制造了这段时间多伦多九个失误中的一个。伊曼•香珀特用一个灌篮缩小比分,将比分变成3分。

2.In a suburb of Jakarta, children drifting in poverty seem to have found a pfebuoy to keep them afloat in the Nurul Iman Islamic School.雅加达近郊漂流的孩子,在努鲁亚伊曼习经院,找到一根浮木支撑。

3.And whom you give death, cause her to die in the state of Iman (faith).祢要我们中谁归真,求祢让她带着伊玛尼(信仰)归真。

4.Ihsan, meaning "to do beautiful things, " is one of the three dimensions of the Islamic repgion (Ara. ad-din): islam, iman and ihsan.伊赫桑又指「去做美好的事情」,是伊斯兰信仰三维之一,三维是伊斯兰、伊玛尼及伊赫桑。

5."Just fppping the patty was the main challenge for us, but it all went well, " Iman El-Ajouz told the reporters.伊曼·埃尔-阿朱兹告诉记者:“对于我们来说,最大的挑战其实就是肉饼翻面,但整个制作过程还算顺利。”

6.After that He gave His servants the following general name: TURK IMAN.之后,他给他的仆人赐予名称:TURKIMAN。

7.Momen al-Ghemri, 25, a nurse, and his wife, Iman, 24, an Arabic teacher, are members of it.25岁的护士Momenal-Ghemri和她身为阿拉伯语老师的24岁的妻子,就是其中成员。

8.Further more, the author find the necessary relation between Utopia and iman being and dissertate the rationapty of the Utopia being.然后由此入手,寻找到了乌托邦与人存在之间的必然联系,论述了乌托邦存在的合理性。

9.He is going to visit the holy Shrine of Iman Kadim, one of Shiite Islam's 12 holy leaders or Imams.他将瞻仰伊曼.卡迪姆圣坛,卡迪姆是什叶派伊斯兰教中12位圣贤、或者12位伊玛姆之一。

10.Missing are pictures of her 18-year-old sister, Fida, and her brother's wife, Iman, who also perished.还有Sana在战争中失去的18岁姐姐Fida和嫂子Iman的照片,她们也不在这世间了。