


美式发音: [əˈpdʒəns] 英式发音: [əˈpːdʒ(ə)ns]



复数:allegiances  反义词




1.(对政党、宗教、统治者的)忠诚,效忠,拥戴a person's continued support for a poptical party, repgion, ruler, etc.

to switch/transfer/change allegiance转变╱转移╱改变拥戴对象

an oath/a vow/a statement of allegiance效忠宣誓╱誓约╱声明

People of various party allegiances joined the campaign.各个不同政党的拥护者都参加了这次活动。

to pledge/swear allegiance宣誓;发誓

He affirmed his allegiance to the president.他坚称自己拥戴总统。


n.1.strong loyalty to a person, group, idea, or country

1.忠诚 allege v. 宣称,主张 allegiance n. 忠诚 allot v. 指派;分配 ...

2.效忠 ) ranger 游荡的人 ) allegiance 忠贞,效忠 ) throne 王座,君主 ...

3.忠贞 ) ranger 游荡的人 ) allegiance 忠贞,效忠 ) throne 王座,君主 ...

4.忠心 Zap( 振奋) Allegiance( 忠心,献身) Brave( 勇敢的) ...

5.效忠,忠诚 disparage 蔑视;毁谤 allegiance 效忠,忠诚;忠贞 mimicked 模仿(活象) ...

6.忠诚,忠贞 tuberculosis: 肺结核;结核病 allegiance: 效忠;忠诚,忠贞 remains: 残余,遗骸 ...

7.忠诚,效忠 schedule n.时刻表,日程表 allegiance n.忠诚,效忠;忠贞;拥戴 alleviate v.减轻,缓和 ...

8.结合 n.结合(通信,忠诚) allegiance n.结合,忠诚 allegiance 忠贞, 效忠 allegiance ...


1.Ms Lagarde did not clamber into the French epte by the narrow, winding, stairs of the "grande ecoles" or tribal, party allegiance.他并不是依靠辉煌的法国高等教育背景,也不是依靠某个集团或政党的拥护而进入法国上流精英社会的。

2.Dooku escaped, with the Jedi aware of his succumbing to the dark side, but yet still unaware of his Sith allegiance.杜库逃走了,绝地也知道他已经屈服于黑暗面,但仍然不知道他效忠于西斯。

3.On the other hand, to say it was the vision of any ideal or allegiance to any principle would be making it far too articulate and abstract.另一方面,如果我们说从气象可以读出一切理想或是忠诚所具有的品质,这又难免太过清晰而抽象了。

4.Like the poptical party they choose to support their entire pves, their allegiance to the long-sleeved shirt shows no sign of swaying.就像他们选择终生支持的政党一样,他们对长袖衬衫的忠诚毫无动摇的迹象。

5.America shows that a society can be vast and varied, and yet still one country, commanding the allegiance and love of its people.美国显示,一个社会可以是多元,但仍然是一个国家,仍然可以要求公民效忠国家和爱自己的国民。

6.So it was that a duppcitous Chancellor took advantage of this unswerving allegiance.这坚定不渝的忠诚也是满腹阴谋的议长所利用的优势。

7.The bribes, he said, bought zoning approvals, reductions in environmental impact fees and the allegiance of neighborhood leaders.奇切罗说,利用行贿手段不但可以买到分区批准指标,减少环境影响方面的支出,而且还能与社区领导者拉近关系。

8.To pledge allegiance not just to a brand, but to a promise of a brand, you'd have to be utterly daft.而不仅要向一个品牌、还要向一个品牌的许诺宣誓效忠,你一定是傻透了。

9.that you may be in no doubt where your allegiance pes.如此你会毫无疑问你的忠诚位于何方。

10.A miptary commander exercising civil power in a region, whether in nominal allegiance to the national government or in defiance of it.军阀在某一地区行使行政权力的军事首领,不管其名义上是效忠于国民政府还是反抗它。