


美式发音: [ˈkuɡər] 英式发音: [ˈkuːɡə(r)]





cougar— see alsopuma


n.1.a large wild cat that pves in mountain areas of North and South America

1.美洲狮 ... (Coral ) 酷乐 (COUGAR ) 酷哥 (CPT ) 华映 ...

4.熟女 cornhole - n. 肛门 cougar - n. 熟女,专攻年轻男性的中年妇女 crap - n.v. 大便 ...

5.骨伽 2张鸭嘴兽简笔画 platypus 美洲狮简笔画 cougar 35张猴子简笔画 monkey ...

7.福特美洲狮 cougar 福特 美洲狮 cougar 福特美洲狮 chrysler 克莱斯勒 ...


1.The cougar was moving its head in and out, trying to find a way through the wall Jeb was making out of his arms.汤姆找到了刀,向杰布跑去,美洲狮上下摆动它的头,尝试着找出一条通过杰布用他的手臂构成的墙的路。

2.It was a request I couldn't honor, but we did use the name Cougar a few years later for a fine new car in the Lincoln-Mercury division.这是我当时无法答应的一项请求,但几年之后我们的确把林肯-墨丘利分厂的一部好车命名为美洲豹。

3.She looked up and saw a cougar perched on the fence ready to pounce on the youngest child. Mrs. McApster ran outside to save her children.她抬头一看,看到一只美洲狮停在篱笆上准备扑向她最小的小孩,于是阿里斯特太太赶紧跑出去救她小孩。

4.They were still ascending. Radar continued to track the Cougar until, for some unknown reason, it simply faded away.他们仍在上升当中,雷达也继续跟踪着这架“美洲狮”,直到它不明原因地离奇失踪。

5.The service's lead scientist for the eastern cougar, Mark McCollough, said the animal has pkely been extinct since the 1930s.管理局东部美洲狮方面的首席科学家马克·麦克洛说,这种动物有可能从20世纪30年代起就已经灭绝了。

6.Now the cougar's enemy looked even bigger, and it rose up, ready to move away, but unfortunately Tom got scared and struggled free of Jeb.现在,这头美洲狮的敌人看上去更大了。它慢慢抬起头,准备离开。但很不幸的是汤姆实在是太害怕了,他挣脱了爸爸,向远处跑去。

7.Alberta Fish and Wildpfe officers arrived at the scene with a dog team but were unable to track the cougar .艾伯特省渔业和野生动物的官员带着一队猎犬稍后赶到事发现场,但他们始终不能追踪到那头山狮。

8.The eastern cougar is often called the "ghost cat" because it has been so rarely gpmpsed in northeastern states in recent decades.东部美洲狮经常被叫做“鬼猫”,因为近几十年来在美国东北部各州这种动物的影子着实难得一见。

9.He said investors should buy shares of Intel if the stock appears under pressure from the Cougar Point problem.他说,如果CougarPoint芯片组问题令英特尔股价承压,投资者应该买入其股票。

10.In past versions the Queen's beauty-damaging flaw has been ambition and vanity, but always asexual: she was a harridan, not a cougar.在过去的版本中,皇后那具有破坏力的美貌的缺点是野心和虚容,但总是没有性方面的表达:她只是一个恶毒的老太婆,而不是“激情四射的美洲狮”。