




1.映射 remanent 剩余的,残余的 remap 重新映射 remarks 备注;注释 ...

5.重新对应透明色ave for Web还可以在图片上实现混色效果、重新对应透明色Remap)、处理透明的混合色等。

6.内存重映射 ... RST,IRQ,FIQ 是外部引发异常; remap 内存重映射 ROMCON RAMCON 的设置, 片选, 原理图关系; ...


1.Method, the brush category will not revert to the default remap table; rather, the brush category will have no remap table.方法,画笔类别将不会还原为默认重新映射表;更确切地说,画笔类别将没有重新映射表。

2.These's 3 Inventory Remap tabs are able to allow you to bind the items to different keys rather than the way that Warcraft reads them.这里有3个物品栏映射的标签卡,能够让你以非魔兽方式给物品绑定不同的键,。

3.Method, the pen category will not revert to the default remap table; rather, the pen category will have no remap table.方法来清除钢笔类别重新映射表,则钢笔类别将不会还原为默认重新映射表;更确切地说,钢笔类别将没有重新映射表。

4.During rendering, any color that matches one of the old colors in the remap table is changed to the corresponding new color.呈现时,与重新映射表中的某个旧颜色匹配的任何颜色都更改为对应的新颜色。

5.The primer design is a key step for RAMP and REMAP, in which anchored simple sequence repeat primers were used.引物设计是RAMP和REMAP标记分析的关键,二者都使用锚定的微卫星序列引物。

6.The images were created as part of a Leverhulme Trust project to remap the world and extend the Worldmapper project.这些图像是勒伍豪信托项目创建的一部分,用于重新勘测世界,扩大“世界绘图者”项目的影响。

7.For more information, search the MSDN Library for information about using wildcard apppcation maps to remap a URL.有关更多信息,请在MSDNLibrary上搜索有关使用通配符应用程序映射来重新映射URL的信息。

8.Method, the default remap table will not apply to pens. If you later clear the pen remap table by calpng the.方法为钢笔类别设置了重新映射表,则默认重新映射表将不会应用于钢笔。

9.The program can remap keys and buttons, and make almost any key, joystick button, mouse button, or combination into a hotkey.该软件可以重新映射键和按钮,并且可以生成几乎任何键、操纵杆按钮、鼠标按钮或者组合到一个热键。

10.Remapping is the process of converting the colors in an image according to a color remap table.再变换是按照颜色再变换表变换图像中的颜色的过程。