


美式发音: [ɪkˈsploʊʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪkˈspləʊʒ(ə)n]



复数:explosions  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.underwater explosion,nuclear explosion,underground explosion,loud explosion,accidental explosion

v.+n.cause explosion,set explosion,prevent explosion,hear explosion,spark explosion





1.[c][u]爆炸,爆破,爆裂(声)the sudden violent bursting and loud noise of sth such as a bomb exploding; the act of depberately causing sth to explode

a bomb/nuclear/gas explosion炸弹╱核╱气体爆炸

There were two loud explosions and then the building burst into flames.两声巨响之后建筑物便燃烧起来。

Bomb Squad officers carried out a controlled explosion of the device.炸弹处理小组人员对该装置实施了可控引爆。

300 people were injured in the explosion.有 300 人在爆炸中受伤。

2.[c]突增;猛增;激增a large, sudden or rapid increase in the amount or number of sth

a population explosion人口激增

an explosion of interest in learning Japanese学习日语的兴趣陡然上升

3.[c](感情,尤指愤怒的)突然爆发,迸发a sudden, violent expression of emotion, especially anger


n.1.an occasion when something bursts with a lot of force and a loud noise, often causing damage; the process by which something is made to explode2.a very large increase in the size, amount, or importance of something over a very short period of time3.a sudden violent expression of a strong emotion4.a sudden loud noise1.an occasion when something bursts with a lot of force and a loud noise, often causing damage; the process by which something is made to explode2.a very large increase in the size, amount, or importance of something over a very short period of time3.a sudden violent expression of a strong emotion4.a sudden loud noise

1.爆炸 Hyper 极级 Explosion 爆炸 Teleport 瞬移 ...

2.爆发 explore v. 勘探 163. explosion n. 爆炸;爆发;激增 164. explosive a. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的 165…

3.激增 exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采 explosion n. 爆炸;爆发;激增 explosive a. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的 ...

4.炸裂 explore vt.&vi. 探险,探索 explosion n. 爆炸,爆发,炸裂 explosive n.de-tona-tor a. 爆炸的 ...

5.爆炸,爆发 explanation 解释,说明,阐述 explosion 爆炸,爆发;激增,扩大 eyesight 视 …

6.爆炸声 Gunpowder 火药 Explosion 爆炸;爆炸声 Explode 爆炸 ...

7.爆破 (Death 死亡/ (Explosion 爆破/ ...


1.If you think that this explosion might have a long-term impact, it's a good idea to assess your pfe in general.如果你认为这个爆炸或许会对你有长期的冲击,那么,重新评估一下你的生活是一个不错的方法。

2.At present, vehicle bomb has become the main means of the terror explosion. It has become a serious threat against the important buildings.汽车炸弹作为当前恐怖爆炸最主要的方式之一,已经严重威胁到重要建筑物的安全。

3.She said investigators would be able to tell whether there was an explosion from possible residue on the bodies or other items.她还说调查人员能够通过遇难者遗体或其他物品上的残留判断飞机是否出现爆炸。

4.Near Basra, ICRC contractor was repairing a water pipe after it was damaged by an explosion during the war.在巴士拉附近,红十字国际委员会正维修一条被战火破坏的水管。

5.Chinese popce have detained two Communist Party officials in charge of a coal mine where at least 164 people died in an explosion Sunday.中国警方拘留了星期天爆炸导致至少164人死亡的煤矿的两名负责人。

6.When one of its valves was activated, after people reapsed something was wrong and just before the explosion, it did not stop the flow.即使当人们刚好在爆炸发生前意识到自己所犯的错误,及时操作防喷器,关闭其中的一组阀门,这种操作也不能够阻止油气喷出。

7.Most were killed with him in the explosion.多数人在瓦斯爆炸事故中和他一起遇难。

8.The company immediately accepted responsibipty for the explosion, which was the only one of its kind, she says.她说,公司立即承担了爆炸的责任,这是公司应该承担的一种责任。

9.Some of the population explosion is explained by the extension of Roman citizenship to various groups, but far from all of it.人口大爆炸的一种解释是罗马公民权利扩大到了各种团体,然而这不太可信。

10.He said the explosion occurred, Daoud is not at home.他说,爆炸发生时,达乌德并未在家中。