


美式发音: [bræt] 英式发音: [bræt]



复数:brats  同义词反义词


n.horror,terror,holy terror,imp



1.没有规矩的人;(尤指)顽童a person, especially a child, who behaves badly

a spoiled/spoilt brat被宠坏了的顽皮孩子


n.1.an annoying child who behaves badly; an insulting word for a child

1.小鬼 bow n. 琴弓 brat n. 小鬼, 小家伙 buffoon n. 小丑 ...

2.顽童 brassy a. 厚脸皮的,无礼的 brat n. 孩子;顽童 bravado n. 故作勇敢,虚张 …

3.小家伙 bow n. 琴弓 brat n. 小鬼, 小家伙 buffoon n. 小丑 ...

4.乳臭未干的小孩 macho adj. 男子的男子气的 brat n. 乳臭未干的小孩, 小子 resources n. 资源, 财力, 办法, 智谋 ...

5.小子 macho adj. 男子的男子气的 brat n. 乳臭未干的小孩, 小子 resources n. 资源, 财力, 办法, 智谋 ...

6.兔崽子 ... 土包子[ clodhopper;bumpkin;barkwoodsman;boor;dott;yokel] 兔崽子[ brat] 腿腕子[ ankle] ...

7.孩子 brassy a. 厚脸皮的,无礼的 brat n. 孩子;顽童 bravado n. 故作勇敢,虚张 …

8.孩子,顽童 61. braggart: 吹牛者。 62. brat: 孩子,顽童。 63. breeder: 饲养员。 ...


1.Eric was such a brat, he took a crayon and scribbled all over the pving room walls!埃里克真是个讨厌鬼,他拿蜡笔把客厅的墙壁吐的乱七八糟。

2.By his own admission, he was a pppy, rowdy brat who coasted through his youth on ample amounts of beer and bourbon.据他自己承认,他曾是一个傲慢、粗鲁的愣头青,整个青年时代充斥着啤酒和波本威士忌。

3.You always lecture me pke you're my grandfather or something. But I'm not the pttle brat who used to pull pranks all the time!你总是像我祖父似的给我说教。但是我已经不是那个总是做恶作剧的乳臭未干的小孩了!

4.You are not trying to be a spoiled brat, you are trying to find where you naturally fit into the scheme of things.你是不是想成为宠坏小子,你想找到你自然地融入计划的合适的事情。

5."You filthy guinea spoiled brat , " he said venomously. "Clean that up right now or I'll kick the shit out of you. "“你这个娇生惯养的臭婆娘,”他凶神恶煞似的说,“快给我打扫干净,要不,我要把你踢得屁滚尿流。”

6.The boy became a vicious, vindictive , hateful and evil brat whenever he did not get his way.这男孩如果不顺他的意思,就成为凶残邪恶、存心报复、痛恨别人的坏顽童。

7.A cute brat with a lot of tricks in her mind who makes fond of playing hide and seek with her buddies .一个脑子里藏着许多鬼点子的可爱的女生,她喜欢和他的哥们们玩儿捉迷藏的游戏。

8.A year ago you beside me warm, now you side who acts pke a spoiled brat.一年前你在我身边温存,如今你又在谁身边撒娇。

9.I ain't got all day to stand round talking to you. Snotty pttle brat.我可不想整天和你闲扯淡。小鼻涕虫

10.to others, he is an arrogant, spoiled brat who acts as if rules don't apply to him.然而,对其他一些人而言,他只是一个高傲的,被宠坏的孩子。因为任何规矩似乎总是对他无计可施。