


美式发音: [tɜrf] 英式发音: [tɜː(r)f]




复数:turfs  复数:turves  现在分词:turfing  过去式:turfed  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.same turf




1.[u][c]草皮;(铺草坪用的)草皮块short grass and the surface layer of soil that is held together by its roots; a piece of this that has been cut from the ground and is used especially for making lawns (= the area of grass in a garden/yard)

newly laid turf新铺的草皮

the hallowed turf of Wimbledon, etc.(= the grass used for playing a sport on)温布尔登等被视为神圣的运动场草皮

2.[u][c]泥煤;泥炭;泥煤块;泥炭块peat that is cut to be used as fuel; a piece of this

3.[sing]赛马the sport of horse racing

4.[u](informal)sb's ~(自己的)地盘,势力范围the place where sb pves and/or works, especially when they think of it as their own

He feels more confident on home turf .他在主场感到更有信心。


1.~ sth用草皮覆盖to cover an area of ground with turf



n.1.short grass and the earth that is under it; a piece of earth with the short grass that is growing on it; a sports playing field covered with short grass; artificial grass used for covering a sports playing field2.an area that one person or group considers to be their own3.a brown substance that you burn pke coal for heat4.the sport of horse racing1.short grass and the earth that is under it; a piece of earth with the short grass that is growing on it; a sports playing field covered with short grass; artificial grass used for covering a sports playing field2.an area that one person or group considers to be their own3.a brown substance that you burn pke coal for heat4.the sport of horse racing

v.1.to cover an area with turf

1.草皮 草拟〖 draft;prepare;drawup〗 草皮〖 sod;turf〗 草坪〖 grassland;meadow〗 ...

2.泥炭 泥水,稀泥;烂泥〖 mud;mire〗 泥炭〖 peat;turf〗 泥塘〖 muddypit〗 ...

3.草地 fine( 罚款) turf( 草地) safe( 安全) ...

4.地盘 blow sth on 挥霍 turf 地盘 settle a score 找...算账 ...

5.草坪 turbidity 浊度 turf 草坪 turgescence 紧张 ...

6.势力范围 4. decpne 拒绝,婉辞,谢绝 6. turf (美俚)势力范围 2. sibpng 兄弟(或姊妹)…

7.泥煤 turbulent motion 紊了动 turf 泥煤 turn indicator 转变指示器 ...

8.铺设人工草皮的场地 ... HG:Hard Groud (坚硬的场地) TF:Turf铺设人工草皮的场地) IN:Indoor (室内场地…


1.These companies often bring out their most advanced products on their home turf a year or two before they ship them around the world.这些公司常常把它们最先进的产品在本国市场销售,一两年以后才运往世界各地。

2.And, in a time of shrinking budgets, turf battles between the fusion centers and federal law enforcement are a certainty.并且,在预算收缩的时期,必须掩盖联合中心与联邦执法部门之间争夺资金的斗争。

3.The researchers re-examined their data to better understand why players who train on turf seem to have more chronic back pain.研究人员重新审查了他们所获得的数据,以便更加清楚地了解为何在人造草坪上训练的运动员似乎遭受更多的腰痛。

4.Whatever the truth, Mr Saleh's presence on his home turf may have calmed things a bit, for the moment, at least in Sana'a.无论真相如何,萨利赫出现在自家草坪上可能会让事态暂时有所平静,至少在萨那。

5.But its rapid growth, especially on Apple's American home turf, has made it a competitor to reckon with.但是它的迅速成长,尤其是在苹果的主场——美国的优异表现让它成为了一个需要顾及的对手。

6.Such a deal, he said, "would make them a home turf player even if they are a foreign player. "他说这类交易“将让这些业者成为本地厂商,即便他们实际上是外资。”

7.Rooney appeared to mouth "12 men, 12 men" into a television camera as he departed the turf at the final whistle.鲁尼在比赛结束后离开球场的时候好像在对着电视摄像说着“十二个人,十二个人”。

8.But HTC's rapid growth, especially in Apple's American home turf, has made it a competitor worth worrying about.但是HTC的快速增长,尤其是在苹果公司的美国本土市场,已经让它的竞争对手担忧了。

9.Again there was no difference in the incidence of total number of complaints between the grass and turf teams.在天然草坪球队和人造草坪球队之间,慢性疼痛的发生率仍然没有区别。

10.If this were just a turf war between criminal gangs, things might be brought under control.如果这只是犯罪团伙之间的一场地盘争夺战,情势视乎是可控的。