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un.1.city in southern British Columbia, Canada.

1.弗农校区人口持续的成长,目前该地区人口数约为5万人,而费南(Vernon)是个治安良好、居民友善的地区,同时也与其它大都市 …

4.维农市 智利域( Chilpwack) 佛农Vernon) 科特尼( Courtenay) ...


1.Vernon zhong: who follow you? He baozhu would come here to look for me. Do not forget that i have promised to her to see the movie with her.仲天骐:谁要跟着你啊?何宝珠要来这边找我。别忘了,我今天也答应跟她去看电影。

2.Harry pitches Dobby into the wardrobe just as the door opens and uncle Vernon enters.哈里将多比关入衣橱,正在这时,弗农叔叔进来了。

3.Vernon zhong: She was afraid that i was cold, and sent the quilt to me finally. Ok, say thank you to her before leaving here.仲天骐:她还是怕我冷,把棉被给送来了。好吧,离开前还是跟她说声谢谢吧。

4.Xia zhi xing: don't you bepeve me? Look at my eyes i'm good at performance. Once more if you don't bepeve me. Vernon i love you.夏之星:你不相信吗?你看着我的眼睛,我很会演喔,不信你再看一次。仲天骐,我喜欢你。

5.Vernon said that as he watched the tsunami come ashore, he was unable to divorce the scientist in him from the humanist.弗兰克说,当他观看到海啸逼近的时候,他不能使自己从科学家和人道主义者中脱离出来。

6.Vernon's wish that she should have her free will, compelled her to sound it carefully.维农希望她有自己的意志,这迫使她仔细加以考虑。

7.She was born Jacquepne Lee Bouvier, daughter of John Vernon Bouvier III and his wife, Janet Lee.她的闺名是杰奎琳李鲍威尔,约翰弗农鲍威尔三世和他的妻子,珍妮特李的女儿。

8.Though his wife and her sister were attractive women, Vernon Dokey, to put it charitably, was not a handsome man.弗农。道基的妻子和小姨子都长得很漂亮,但客气点儿说,他倒并不怎么帅。

9.Andrew zhong: Daddy, i think it must be that Vernon does not want our mummy's remnant auctioned, and he took it away.仲天骏:爸,我想天骐不想看妈的遗物被拍卖,才会把它拿走的。

10.Again, Vernon Dursley marched as far as the front door, but Dudley did not follow.弗农。德思礼又一次迈开步子走向大门,但是达力并没有跟上去。