


美式发音: [ɜrb] 英式发音: [hɜː(r)b]






1.药草;香草a plant whose leaves, flowers or seeds are used to flavour food, in medicines or for their pleasant smell. Parsley , mint and oregano are all herbs .

a herb garden芳草园

an herb garden芳草园

2.草本a plant with a soft stem that dies down after flowering


n.1.a plant used for adding flavor to food or as a medicine

1.香草 weak adj. 虚弱的,无力的 herb n. 草本植物,药草 angry adj. 愤怒的,生气的 ...

3.草本植物 weak adj. 虚弱的,无力的 herb n. 草本植物,药草 angry adj. 愤怒的,生气的 ...

4.草药 her pron. 她(宾格),她的 herb n. 草药 here ad. 这里,在这里;向这里 ...

5.草本(herbaceous) (DOT, 黛特) 960 (HERB贺伯) 925 (CHEBI, 飞燕) 965 ...


1.It is an herb native to Paraguay that has been used for centuries as a sweetener.它是巴拉圭的一种本地药草,作为甜味剂已经使用几百年。

2.Similarly, the herbal composition may comprise a mixture of two or more types of extracts of a particular herb.类似的,所述草药组合物可以含种特定苹药的两种或多种类型提取物的混合物。

3.She revealed in her book that a bishop in Vilyuysk had given her a cutting of the herb, but she neither names nor describes it.她在她的书中透露过一个维柳伊斯克的主教给她了一颗采的这种草药,但她既没命名也没记载它。

4.Herb tried to repair his car engine all morning before he called it a day and went fishing.在贺伯完成手边的工作、出门钓鱼之前,他整个上午都在试著修理汽车引擎。

5.Think how much more progress Hillary, Herb, and the entire team might have made if Herb had kept relationship and identity goals in mind.可以想象,如果希拉里和赫伯以及整个团队都有建立关系和身份目标的意识,那取得的进展该有多大!

6.This conversation took place between Hillary, a young team leader fresh out of engineering school, and Herb, one of her team members.此次对话人物是希拉里(一名年轻女队长刚走出工科学校)和赫伯(她的团队成员之一)。

7.pushing herb in , she held the door handle to make sure he did not duck out again.她把赫伯推进门去,反身拉住门上的把手,使赫伯不会再溜出去。

8.His name's Herb Greene and he's trying to communicate with plants both electronically and psychically.他名叫荷布·格林,正在尝试用电子学和精神学的途径与植物进行沟通交流。

9.Cultivate poverty pke a garden herb, pke sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends.像圣人一样培植贫困,如同香草之于花园!为获得新事物(物品)不要嫌麻烦,无论是朋友或衣衫。

10.Medicinal herb is only used for curing villagers but failed to be commodity.中草药也只是村里的医生用来给村民治病,没有成为商品。