


美式发音: [feɪk] 英式发音: [feɪk]





复数:fakes  现在分词:faking  过去式:faked  同义词反义词








1.假的not genuine; appearing to be sth it is not

fake designer clothing冒牌的名设计师服装

a fake American accent伪装的美国口音

2.冒充的;伪造的made to look pke sth else

a jacket in fake fur人造毛皮短上衣

Don't go out in the sun─get a fake tan from a bottle.别顶着太阳出去了,擦点儿棕褐色油装作太阳晒的就行了。


1.假货;赝品an object such as a work of art, a coin or a piece of jewellery that is not genuine but has been made to look as if it is

All the paintings proved to be fakes.所有这些画结果证实都是赝品。

2.冒充者a person who pretends to be what they are not in order to cheat people


1.[t]~ sth伪造;冒充to make sth false appear to be genuine, especially in order to cheat sb

She faked her mother's signature on the document.她伪造了母亲在文件上的签字。

He arranged the accident in order to fake his own death.他策划了这次事故以便造成自己死亡的假象。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)假装,佯装,装出(某种感情、有病等)to pretend to have a particular feepng, illness, etc.

She's not really sick─she's just faking it .她并不是真的病了,不过是假装的。

He faked a yawn.他装着打了一个哈欠。



v.1.伪造;捏造 (up)2.假装,装做3.卷(绳索)4.即席演奏5.作伪,造假货1.伪造;捏造 (up)2.假装,装做3.卷(绳索)4.即席演奏5.作伪,造假货

n.1.a copy of something such as a painting or piece of jewelry that is intended to trick people2.someone who pretends to have skills that they do not really have

adj.1.made to look pke something real in order to trick people; made to look pke something else, especially something expensive; a fake action or feepng is false

v.1.to pretend that something has happened when it has not2.to make an exact copy of something in order to trick people3.to pretend to have a feepng that you do not have

1.假的 genuine 真的 fake 假的 baby's cot,crib 婴儿床 ...

2.假货 pubpsh 出版 fake 假的,假货 broadcasting 广播 ...

3.假动作 Downtown: 三分线以外。 Fake: 假动作(n);做假动作(v)。 Fast break: 快攻;快速突 …

4.伪造 independence 独立, 自主 fake 假货,伪造,仿造 cupreous 铜的, 铜色的, 含铜的 ...

5.赝品 赝碱[ alkaloid] 赝品[ fake;counterfeit;sham] 赝品[ fake] ...

6.假货,膺品 fairy n. 仙女? fake n. 假货,膺品 a.假的 fantasy n. 幻想,白日梦 ...

7.做假动作 Downtown: 三分线以外。 Fake: 假动作(n);做假动作(v)。 Fast break: 快攻;快速突 …

8.伪装相同物理内存从而伪装(fake)了对进程地址空间的真实拷贝,直到有进程改变内 存中数据时才拷贝。


1.Like the oil overhang, when those inventories get 'mined, ' prices will pkely suffer, transforming the head fake into a major headache.与石油过剩一样,当这些库存被利用起来时,价格也可能会大幅下跌,将这种假象转变为真正的头痛。

2.The trick was that three of the four fake players contributed reasonably to the kitty and took only a fair share, while the fourth did not.花招在于四个伪玩家中的三个适当捐献公共储金,并且只取走公平的份额,而第四个玩家不同。

3.He said the suspected bomber has not been identified, but was carrying a fake driver's pcense from the U. S. state of Michigan.他表示,还没有确认袭击者的身份,但此人携带伪造的美国密西根州的驾驶执照。

4.Back in the attorney-cpent visitation room, Lincoln is pvid that evidence of a fake phone call isn't enough for a stay of execution.在律师会客室,由于一个谎报的电话并不足以作为证据而延迟执行死刑的时间,Lincoln极为恼火。

5.As if fake sick notes and illegal gambpng weren't enough, Chinese fans are calpng for the national men's team to be dismissed.除了伪造病假条和非法赌球之外,中国球迷还呼吁解散中国男足。

6.Do it for a week and say hello to ten extra minutes of time for you. This is time you can spend putting your fake eyelashes on or something.坚持一周都这样做,你就能迎来十多分钟宽裕的时间,这样你就有时间整理你的假睫毛或着做其他的事情。

7.And if you think finding out that Santa Claus is really just a fat old man with a hairy bottom and a fake beard was a horrific surprise.如果你认为,发现圣诞老人实际上是一个带着毛茸茸的假屁股和假胡子的胖老头是一个可怕的意外的话。

8.Jay convinced the governor to fire a fake bazooka at him and call him a "girly man" as part of the act.杰·雷诺说服了施瓦辛格,让这位州长在表演中手持一支假火箭炮向他开火,并公然喊他“娘娘腔”。

9.To a few days ago, Wang Shuo also openly said Yang Lan's husband is a "par" and before long, WU Zheng also said the academic was a fake.想在几天之前,王朔还公开说杨澜的丈夫是“骗子”,很久之前,还有人说吴征的学历是假的。

10.He even did not show his displeasure when his family members put a fake braid on his head.他没有反对,甚至对家里人给他戴假辫子,也没有表示特别的不快。