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n.1.in Hindu mythology, a member of a class of nonhuman beings who are enemies of heavenly beings


2.阿苏拉宗教之神,大致相同,印度的善神为提婆(Deva),恶神为阿斯罗(Asura)(到佛教之中称为阿修罗);在波斯的□教,善神为阿 …

6.阿修罗身aksha)、乾闼婆身(Gandbharva) 、阿修罗身Asura)、迦楼罗身(Gar uda)、紧那罗身( Kinnara)、摩候 罗伽身(…

7.阿素洛  阿修罗正音应读为「阿素洛Asura)」的音译,意即「非天」,乃「果报」似天而非天之义。隶属天鬼(或又称金刚)一类, …


1.I bepeve that I am wilpng to be him even if I am Asura, at least, I can insist on myself.我觉得即使我是个阿修罗我也甘愿,至少我能坚持自我。

2.Any good man or woman who hears the name of this sutra will never get born into the four realms [of hell, hungry ghost, animal, and asura].任何听到这部经的名字的人都永不会转生到四恶道之中[地域,饿鬼,动物和阿修罗]。

3.Also, there were asura [contentious, titanic demon] kings, who were as numerous as the sands of 60 Ganges.当然,这里也有阿修罗(好争论的,巨大的魔鬼)的国王,有60条恒河沙子那么多。

4.Laterly you call your solo exhibition "Asura" , what do you think Asura?最近你在上海的个展名字叫“阿修罗”。你认为阿修罗是什么?

5.In fact, uh-text and the title of this pttle, I see that the final shape that is very Zhou Xun as "Saint-" Asura king died sigh about.呃~其实正文和这个标题没什么关系,我就是看到最后周迅那个造型非常像《圣传》里阿修罗王死的时候感慨一下。

6.Since Guild Wars 2 takes place 250 years in the future from Guild Wars, we wanted to introduce new technology to Tyria.由于激战2发生在激战250年以后,我们希望引进点新技术给泰瑞亚,从asura神秘的高科技到charr的枪支。

7.When we conquer our inner war, the Asura in our mind will be vanished.当我们克服了我们内心的不平,我们好战的阿修罗性格就会消失。

8.Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty血剑王朝