


美式发音: [ˌdɪsɪˈluʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒ(ə)n]




第三人称单数:disillusions  现在分词:disillusioning  过去式:disillusioned  同义词反义词


v.disenchant,disappoint,let down,dishearten,dissatisfy



1.~ sb使醒悟;使不再抱幻想;使幻想破灭to destroy sb's bepef in or good opinion of sb/sth

I hate to disillusion you, but not everyone is as honest as you.我实在不愿把实情告诉你,但并非人人都像你那样诚实。



v.1.to make someone disappointed by showing them that someone or something is not as good as they had bepeved

1.幻灭 ★结局 Fate: OP1:Disillusion< 幻灭> CV: 卫宫士郎: 杉山纪彰 ...

2.醒悟 dishonesty 不诚实 disillusion 醒悟 disillusionment 醒悟 ...

3.使幻想破灭 ●unrelenting adj. 不屈不挠的,不松懈的 ●disillusion v. 使幻想破灭 ●industriousness n. 勤奋 ...

4.觉醒 discourse n. 演讲;论文 disillusion n. 觉醒 dismay n. 惊慌,沮丧,灰心 ...

5.使幻灭 sceptic:n. 怀疑(论)者,〔哲〕不可知论者 disillusion:v. 使幻灭 pessimistic:a. 悲观(主义)的 ...

6.使觉醒 dishonor n. 耻辱 v.凌辱 disillusion v. 使觉醒,幻灭 disincpned adj. 不愿意的 ...

7.使幻想破灭的 unrelenting adj. 不屈不挠的,不松懈的确良 disillusion v. 使幻想破灭的 quapfication n. 资格,能力 ...

8.理想破灭 Disillusionment Charm 幻身咒 disillusion 英语:理想破灭 Door opening spell 开门咒 ...


1.After long confpcts, the second set of elections is often a story of unreapstic expectation turned to disillusion and apathy.在长时间的冲突之后,在大选第二阶段,人们往往从不现实的期待中走出来,取而代之的是幻想破灭后的冷漠。

2.But if I do, ninety nine percent of these audience will going to very feel upset and disillusion with Buddhism so I always pretend I am not.不过一旦我做了,这些听众中的百分之九十九将会感到非常地难过,而从佛教中“醒悟”过来,所以,我总要假装我不能做。

3.he turned his slow , rather full eyes , that had been drowned in such fathomless disillusion , on connie , and she trembled a pttle.他的沉溺在无底的幻灭中的迟钝而微突的眼睛,转向康妮望着,她觉得微微战栗起来。

4.The disillusion of the "art-textual" survival of the hero image makes the value of his esthetic and social ideapty recognized.主人公形象“艺术-文本化”生存的幻灭使得他的审美理想和社会理想获得了价值确认。

5.Expectations, usually set too high to begin with, fail to be met, resulting in anger, disillusion, and often in acts of terrifying violence.期待过高,往往不能付诸行动,接着无法实现,最后导致怨声载道,希望幻灭,还常常出现暴力威胁行为。

6.TERROR, stagnation, exile, hope and disillusion are the fabric of Russian history in the last century.恐怖、萧条、放逐、希望和觉醒,构成了俄国上世纪历史的主旋律。

7.Widespread disillusion, even dissent, does not guarantee mobipzation, however.不过,普遍的觉醒甚至异见并不一定能把人们调动起来。

8.Mr Obama will need to manage the threat of disillusion among some of his more enthusiastic supporters with some care.奥巴马需要认真对待其狂热支持者由于幻想破灭而可能产生的威胁。

9.Orwell had fought in the Spanish civil war; his disillusion with that cause is chronicled in "Homage to Catalonia" .奥威尔曾参加西班牙内战;他对这一战事的醒悟历程被记载于《向加泰罗尼亚致敬》一书。

10.The stark disillusion of such a sharp contrast was too much for Benerice to comprehend .这样一个全部幻想破灭的鲜明对比白丽莱茜实在弄不懂。