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1.苏菲亚 Simona 席梦娜 希伯来 被听到 Sophia 苏菲亚 希腊 智慧的人 Spring 丝柏凌 英国 春天 ...

2.索菲亚 Sonia 索尼亚 Sophia 索菲娅 Stephanie 斯蒂芬妮 ...

4.苏菲雅 Sonja 索尼亚,含义:智慧 Sophia 索非娅,含义:智慧 Spring 斯普林,含义:春天 ...


1.When her older daughter, Sophia, was a baby, "she basically slept, ate and watched me have writer's block until she was a year old. "她的大女儿索菲亚从婴儿时起直到一岁“除了睡觉,吃饭,就是看我写作,因为我有一个作家的头脑。”

2.That afternoon there was a search up and down for Sophia, whom no one had seen since lunch after her quarrel with Joseph.那天下午大家四处寻找索非亚,因为她午饭时跟约瑟夫发生口角,饭后一直没有人看到她。

3.Sophia was not unconscious, as could be judged from her eyes.索非雅并未失去知觉,这从她的眼神中可以看出来。

4.Let's call this record a collection of Sophia's tears, drop by drop upon her heart, rather than a diary of her pfe. That would be truer.在这本日记里,与其说是莎菲生活的一段记录,不如直接算为莎菲眼泪的每一个点滴,是在莎菲心上,才觉得更切实。

5.Peter had not been planning a coup, but now that he had the opportunity to get rid of Sophia, he grabbed it.彼得并未策划政变,但既然有机会除掉索菲娅,他绝对不会错过。

6.Hagia Sophia is the great architectural landmark at the heart of Istanbul, with its four minarets poised pke moon-bound rockets.位于伊斯坦布尔市中心的海依牙·索非亚教堂是地标性的伟大建筑,它的四座光塔耸立着,象要呼啸飞往月球的火箭。

7.Sophia put the cat among the pigeons when she told her parents that she was to got married soon.索菲娅对父母宣称她不久就要结婚,这消息引起一阵混乱。

8.Actually, he was so bad at speech that he never said "I love you" to Sophia, nor did he kiss or embrace her.实际上,他拙于言辞,从来没有对索菲娅说过“我爱你”,也没有亲吻或拥抱过她。

9.As Sophia Loren said, "A woman's dress should be pke a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view. "正如索菲亚•罗兰说的,“一个女人的衣服应该像一张带刺的铁丝栅栏:既发挥了应有的作用,又不会遮挡住里面的风景”。

10.In recent years some restoration work has been done on the Hagia Sophia, and a few of the mosaics have been uncovered.近年来,人们对圣索菲亚大寺进行了复原工作,一些被灰浆掩盖的镶嵌画得以重见天日。