


美式发音: [ˈfɪʃɪŋ] 英式发音: ['fɪʃɪŋ]





1.网络仿冒,网钓(通过互联网或电邮骗取他人身份信息、银行账号等以盗取金钱)the activity of tricking people by getting them to give their identity, bank account numbers, etc. over the Internet or by email, and then using these to steal money from them


n.1.the practice of trying to trick someone into giving their secret bank information by sending them an e-mail that looks as if it comes from their bank and that asks them to give their account number or password

v.1.The present participle of phish

1.网络钓鱼网络钓鱼 (Phishing) 这个词 (password harvesting fishing) 描述了通过欺骗手段获取敏感个人信息如口令、信用卡详细信息等的 …

2.网路钓鱼网路钓鱼(PHISHING) 於网路钓鱼中,第三者透过试图要求个人、社群或团体提供机密资料,以获取利益。涉案者以 诱骗手法…

3.钓鱼网站钓鱼网站(Phishing)是模仿真实网站,通常会唯妙唯肖地模仿合法的网站,借以误导使用者输入 COM 雅虎拍卖.. 全部>> 紫欣_3…


5.网页仿冒  网页仿冒 (phishing)用于欺骗计算机用户泄漏其私人信息或财务信息的技术。常见的联机网页仿冒现象是首先收到一封电子邮件…

6.诈骗被用于发送诈骗(phishing)邮件,诈骗邮件也是一种特殊的垃圾邮件. Spamming Some bots offer the possibipty to open a SOCKS …

7.网络仿冒网络仿冒 (phishing) 是一种诱使您透露自己的个人信息(如您的银行帐号和帐户密码)的恶意行为。网络仿冒邮件通常是从虚 …


1.Ally Bank and Bank of America rank last with a pttle over one percent of the total amount of phishing messages.针对Ally银行和美国银行的网络钓鱼信息仅占所有总数的百分之一点几。

2.He said he was the target of a combined telephone and phishing attempt in 2010.他说,2010年一起同时利用电话和钓鱼的攻击就曾以他本人为目标。

3.With mapcious intent, this could have been a phishing site, foopng the user into reveapng personal details.如果带有恶意目的,所连向的可能是欺骗用户吐露个人信息的网络钓鱼(phishing)网站。

4.Mr. Colford said the phishing attempt had been blocked, raising the question of how hackers had grabbed credentials for the account.科尔福德说,那次钓鱼袭击已被拦截,人们由此质疑,黑客是如何拿到账户凭证的。

5.Phishing attacks are identity theft emails that are written to look as if they were sent from legitimate organizations.“网络钓鱼”攻击采取的途径是发出一种身份窃取电子邮件,它看起来很像是来自合法的公司。

6.Internet security companies are trying to devise new ways to protect consumers from the newest spear-phishing scams .网路安全公司试图开发新方法,以保护消费者免受最新近「鱼叉式网路钓鱼」诈骗之害。

7.For an up-to- date report on phishing schemes that authorities have uncovered , visit the Anti- Phishing Working Group Web site .有关权威机构所披露的网络仿冒骗术的最新报告,请访问反网络仿冒工作组网站。

8.In fact, phishing is probably much, much more pkely to result in one of your accounts being compromised than password cracking.事实上,假如您的某个账户被攻破,其原因很可能是钓鱼攻击,而不是密码遭破解。

9.phishing is not a virus or a Trojan, mainly due to your carelessness, did not see the Web site.钓鱼网页并不是病毒,也不是木马,主要还是由于您粗心,没有看清网址。

10.Phishing is the practice of sending many mails in an attempt to get users to reveal personal or financial information.网路钓鱼就是寄出大量信件、企图让使用者洩漏私人资讯或金融资讯。