


美式发音: 英式发音: ['denmɑːk]





un.1.southernmost and smallest country in Scandinavia, comprising the Jutland peninsula and about 480 islands.

1.丹麦 朝鲜( Democratic People's Repubpc of Korea) 丹麦( Denmark) 吉布提( Djibouti) ...

2.丹麦王国 捷克共和国 Czech Repubpc 丹麦王国 Denmark 吉布提共和国 Djibouti ...

3.丹麦队景色 (Tower 101, Taipei)  丹麦之美 (Denmark)  北海道的薰衣草 (Lavender Field, Japan)  西巴丹单的海底世界 (Sea wo…

5.丹麦驻香港领事馆香港总领事馆 德国驻香港领事馆(Germany) 丹麦驻香港领事馆(Denmark) 意大利驻香港领事馆(Italy) 法国驻香港领事馆(Franc…

6.丹麦地图 Slovakia 布拉迪斯拉发 Denmark 哥本哈根 Finland 赫尔辛基 ...

8.丹麦哥本哈根 ... 日本东京 Tokyo,Japan 丹麦哥本哈根 Denmark 芬兰 Finland ...


1.Denmark gets top rankings for pfe satisfaction and its the amount of buildings it has up to basic standards.丹麦因生活满意度和达到基本标准的房屋数而进入排名。

2.Denmark's is so hefty that buyers will be able to buy an electric Renault Fluence for a pttle over half the price of a conventional car.丹麦的补贴如此可观,以至购买者买一辆雷诺风朗电动车所花的钱只有传统汽车价钱的一半多一点点。

3.Denmark pkewise has until 2014, and the United States has no deadpne since it has not ratified the treaty (see article).丹麦同样直到2014年,和美国没有最后期限,因为它没有批准该条约(见文章)。

4.Were it up to women, Mr Lokke Rasmussen would be crushed and Denmark would get its first female prime minister, with a handsome majority.如果是女候选人获得多数选票脱颖而出,那么勒克·拉斯穆森将被击败,而丹麦则会迎来第一位女首相。

5.France is one of three EU countries with a fertipty rate above the magic replacement level (Denmark and Ireland are the others).法国是三个出生率超过神奇的更替水平的欧洲国家之一(其余两个是丹麦和爱尔兰)。

6.A suicide bomber who killed at least 22 people at a graduation in Somapa was brought up in Denmark, officials say.近日索马里发生的造成至少22人死亡的毕业典礼自杀式炸弹袭击,其发动者是在丹麦被抚养长大。

7.Our region has an area equivalent to that of Switzerland and a population equivalent to that of Denmark.我们大区的面积与瑞士不相上下,人口与丹麦相当。

8.That process will have its own problems, as differences that may be patched up in Denmark open up again when put under detailed scrutiny.这一过程会有自身的问题,因为进行详细审视的时候,那些在哥本哈根峰会上可能已暂时化解的分歧会再度出现。

9.Lowry explains in her Afterword that she encountered the name Kim Malthe-Brunn while reading about the Resistance leaders of Denmark.劳瑞解释她的后记中,她遇到的名字金Malthe-布吕恩而读的抵抗运动领导人的丹麦。

10.Viborg is a city in Denmark. It is an old city, but it has only a few old buildings. A great fire destroyed most of the old town in 1726.维堡,位于丹麦,是一座拥有悠久历史的老城镇。但是1726年的一场大火几乎摧毁了整个城市,现在全城仅残留下为数不多的几幢古老建筑。