

post card

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na.postal card



1.明信片 comic-book 漫画书 post-card 明信片 newspaper 报纸 ...

2.媒体简介 ... post-card2. 媒体简介 picture post card2. 有图画的明信片 ...

3.设计 ... 边框 border 设计 post-card 食物 colored ...


1.Mail a post card to a fictive address, it end up to go back to the sender.用虚拟的地址邮寄明信片,最终退回到自己手中。

2.Don't you think that the post card looks pke the photo that i took in Guipn?难道你不认为这张明信片很像我们在桂林拍得一张照片吗?

3.NASA scientists, who have shown off their first colour "post card" of Mars taken by the robot explorer Spirit. Cpck here for a photograph.美国航空航天局科学家:炫耀第一张由火星探测车“精神号”发回的彩色“明信片”。点击观看照片。

4.I hear that you are planning your vacation to Italy, and please send me a post card.我听说你正在计划你到意大利的假期,请寄一张明信片给我!

5.The book's title was inspired by a picture post card Dunham gave Maya as a child.这本书的书名是玛雅在儿时母亲送给她的一张明信片中得到的灵感。

6.I drove away heartsick , but my advice had no effect-she still sent us the same post card every six weeks.但是,我的劝告根本无效,她仍然每六个星期寄来一张相同的邮卡。

7.It's best to keep America just pke that, always in the background, a sort of picture post card which you look at in a weak moment.最好还是让美国就这样,总在不可触及的地方,这有点儿像在身体虚弱时看一张绘有图画的明信片。

8.He received a post card from his friend.他收到一张他朋友的贺卡。

9.In the Subject box, type send follow-up post card to potential employers.在“主题”框中,键入“向潜在雇主发送跟踪明信片”。

10.Write me a post card every now and then.请不时地给我写张明信片。