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n.卫斯理;John wesley 约翰卫斯理;【女名】女子名



n.1.卫斯理2.John wesley 约翰卫斯理3.【女名】女子名4.【男名】男子名1.卫斯理2.John wesley 约翰卫斯理3.【女名】女子名4.【男名】男子名

1.卫斯理 Wells 韦尔斯 Wesley 韦斯利 Wheatley 惠特利 ...

3.卫兰轩 香港皇悦 Empire 卫兰轩 Wesley 现湾仔维景星港 New Harbour ...

4.老式英语来自西方草原 VINCENT (拉丁语)"征服"。大部份的人认为 WESLEY (老式英语)来自西方草原。 Abraha…

5.卫斯里 ... Unbalanced 神志不清 Wesley 卫斯里 Xanthippe 悍妇 ...

6.卫斯理的家 胡小晏 scotthu 卫斯理的家 wesley 士马木 semabok ...

7.威斯利  午餐后,我们经槟威大桥到马来半岛的威斯利Wesley),然后沿路往吉打州的吉打港,乘快船前往“神话之岛”度假胜地--兰卡 …


1.Wesley and I would scour the beaches looking for coins. We were very successful at it.我和韦斯利为了硬币找遍海滩,斩获颇丰。

2.John Wesley was a man of principle and he never made his promise but put into practice of it.卫斯莱是一个有节操的人,并且除了能做到的事情外从来不承诺。

3.Later Wesley learns the cross also had engraved on it a passage from "Paradise Lost" : "We shall be free" .后来韦斯利发现了十字架也刻了一段源于“失乐园”的话:“我们将自由”。

4.In the second season finale, Stefan ( Paul Wesley) agreed to leave town with Klaus ( Joseph Morgan) in an attempt to save Damon's pfe.(在第二个赛季的压轴节目,斯特凡(保罗韦斯利)为了试图挽救戴蒙的生活同意离开镇与克劳斯(约瑟夫摩根)。)

5.Yesterday, Wesley's boss called to tell him that a position is now available in the company's marketing department.昨天,卫斯里的老板告诉他,公司的销售部职位有空决。

6.The great John Wesley had been preaching for a number of years when someone challenged him concerning his faith.当一些人就圣徒约翰·卫斯理的信仰提出质疑的时候,他已经讲道许多年了。

7.On Feb. 1, 2009, Wesley was one of many thousandsof people to mail a tea bag to the White House.在2009年2月1号,韦斯利是向白宫寄去茶包的无数小人物中的一个。

8.Brandt said the order was issued the NATO Supreme Alped Commander, Wesley Clark, the Americans.布兰特称,下达这一命令的是当时北约盟军最高司令、美国人韦斯利·克拉克。

9.Dr. Wesley said he would find a way to meet that requirement, perhaps by tipping a cup into his feeding tube.韦斯利医生说,到时候,他会想办法满足要求,比如把装在杯子里的药物倒进喂食管里。

10."His guilt us so deep that he goes off the deep end, " Paul Wesley says to Entertainment Weekly of his character's reaction to those events.“他感到深深的愧疚感而变得歇斯底里,”PaulWesley在向《娱乐周刊》谈自己扮演的这个角色对这些事件的反应时说。