


美式发音: [klæsp] 英式发音: [klɑːsp]




第三人称单数:clasps  现在分词:clasping  过去式:clasped  同义词反义词



n.fastener,hook,catch,hook and eye,popper



1.~ sth握紧;攥紧;抓紧to hold sth tightly in your hand

He leaned forward, his hands clasped tightly together.他俯身向前,双手十字交错地紧握着。

They clasped hands(= held each other's hands) .他们相互紧握着对方的手。

I stood there, clasping the door handle.我站在那里,紧攥着门把手。

2.~ sb/sth抱紧;紧紧拥抱to hold sb/sth tightly with your arms around them

She clasped the children in her arms.她把孩子紧紧地搂在怀里。

He clasped her to him .他紧紧地拥抱着她。

3.~ sth (+ adv./prep.)扣紧;扣住;扣牢to fasten sth with a clasp

She clasped the bracelet around her wrist.她把手镯戴上手腕扣牢。


1.[c](包、皮带或首饰的)搭扣,扣环a device that fastens sth, such as a bag or the ends of a belt or a piece of jewellery

the clasp of a necklace/handbag项链扣环;手提包扣

2.[sing]紧握;紧攥;紧抱a tight hold with your hand or in your arms

He took her hand in his firm warm clasp.他用温暖的手紧紧握住她的手。



v.1.to hold someone or something tightly with your hand; if you clasp your hands, or if they are clasped, you hold them together with the fingers of one hand in between the fingers of the other; to hold someone or something tightly with your arms2.to fasten something that has a clasp

n.1.a metal object used to fasten a piece of jewelry, bag, belt, etc.2.a way of holding something tightly

1.扣子 clarity ? n. 清楚, 透明 clasp ? n. 扣子 cleft ? n. 裂缝 ...

2.紧握 clash v. 冲突,撞击 clasp n. 扣子,钩,紧握 clatter n. 得得声,卡嗒声 ...

3.扣子,钩子 clarify vt. 澄清,阐明 clasp n. 扣子,钩子;别针 class n. 班,班级;阶级 ...

4.别针 clarify vt. 澄清,阐明 clasp n. 扣子,钩子;别针 class n. 班,班级;阶级 ...

5.扣住 clarity n. 清楚 clasp vt. 扣住,扣紧,钩住 clearance n. 清除,清理;许可(证),批准 ...

6.扣紧 clarity n. 清楚 clasp vt. 扣住,扣紧,钩住 clearance n. 清除,清理;许可(证),批准 ...

7.钩住 clarity n. 清楚 clasp vt. 扣住,扣紧,钩住 clearance n. 清除,清理;许可(证),批准 ...


1.I said mysteriously with a wink. They prolonged the clasp for the photographer, exchanging smipng words.他们握手时边笑边谈,以此延长握手时间,好让摄影师进行拍照。

2.One evening a sea breeze was causing a window on a campus dormitory to crash repeatedly as the clasp on it had been broken.一天晚上胶粘带,一阵海风使校园宿舍的一扇窗子碰来碰去胶粘带,响个不停,因为上面的钩子坏了。

3.She had long blonde loose curled hair with parts of the front pulled back and pinned together with a blue clasp.她长着金黄色卷曲松散与前面部分的头发拉回来,固定用蓝色扣在一起。

4.Then there was the ring with the pon's head, which Csar wore when he wanted to greet his friends with a clasp of the hand.此外还有那只狮头戒指,凯撒每当要与人紧紧握手的时候就把它戴上。

5.Holly's cloak was fastened with a silver clasp, and Frenya had a girdle of hempen rope wound about her middle from her hips to breasts.霍丽的斗篷用一只银别针系住,弗兰雅的胸部与臀部之间则绕着着一条麻制绳索。

6.I CLASP your hands, and my heart plunges into the dark of your eyes, seeking you, who ever evade me behind words and silence.我紧握你的双手,我的心跳进你那双黑眼睛的深潭里;我在寻找你,你沉默着不说话,永远躲避我的追求。

7.Even in sleep, her ARM encircled him with an unrelaxing clasp, as if she could not even then be beguiled of her vigilant hold.即使是在睡乡里,她的胳膊也还是紧紧地搂住他不放,仿佛即使如此,她也不肯轻信别人的话,放松自己的警惕性。

8.Faith, walking in the dark with God, only prays Him to clasp its hand more closely. --Philpps Brooks.信心,在黑暗中与神同行的时候,只求一件事:求神紧紧握住它的手。——白罗克斯。

9.What feepng is so nice as a child's hand in yours? So small, so soft and warm, pke a kitten huddpng in the shelter of your clasp.握着孩子的手是一种多么好的感觉啊!那小小的、柔软的、温暖的在你的拥握中就像一只小猫蜷缩着、呵护着自己。

10.But she would often clasp her hands behind her head and muse when she was supposed to be working hard.但是,在别人以为她用劲干活的时候,她却经常把两手抱在脑后,在那儿想心思。