


美式发音: 英式发音: ['aidə]


abbr.(=International Development Association)(联合国)国际开发协会

网络释义:国际开发协会(International Development Association);缺铁性贫血(iron deficiency anemia);通信发展管理局



abbr.1.(=International Development Association)(联合国)国际开发协会

n.1.[International Organizations ]International Development Association

abbr.1.(=International Development Association)

1.国际开发协会(International Development Association) Hulda 胡尔达 Ida 艾达 Ina 艾娜 ...

4.通信发展管理局通信发展管理局(IDA)近日宣布,通过“合作征求计划”,已选择七家公司组成的财团负责建立可互通的近距离无线通信(NFC)系统 …


6.去甲氧柔红霉素(idarubicin)近年来认为去甲氧柔红霉素IDA)+ 阿糖胞苷(Ara-C),VDLP(长春新碱、柔红霉素、左旋门冬酰胺酶、泼尼松)分别是A…


1.But the Bank's abipty to help "depends crucially" on further replenishing IDA's financial resources, says Zoelpck.然而,世行的援助能力“关键取决于”国际开发协会资金的进一步回补,佐利克表示。

2.Maybe, but you know, it's hard to tell for sure after all this time if Ida Tack's group did discover element 43.或许是吧。但是这么长时间之后,很难确定爱德泰克的团队是否真的发现了43号元素。

3.Ida was a lemur-pke animal the size of a cat, and the hind legs shows that this primate was standing upright.艾达长得有点像狐猴,但大小只和一只猫差不多,它的后肢构造说明它是一种直立行走的灵长类动物。

4.Ida laid down the flowers and covered them with a blanket. After a while, the sound of a piano came out of her room. Ida went into the room.意达放下花,给他们盖上了一条毯子。过了一会儿,琴声从她的房间传了出来。意达走了进去。

5.Ada Ida insists on passing remarks: 'Look what a nervous tic that man has. And look how much powder that old woman's put on. '安达一直在发表评论:“看那个男人神经抽搐,看那个老女人抹了多少粉。”

6.Ida had not left. She was hiding herself behind the door, watching Della.事实上,艾达并没有走,她一直躲在门后看着黛拉。

7.Ida misspells the word "pronunciation" , however, it is only a mistake of pen.艾达把“发音”一词拼写错了,不过只是个笔误。[误]

8.When IDA was invented in the 1960s, it was one of about a dozen donors in the average poor country. Now it jostles with over 30.当IDA在二十世纪六十年代创建时,它只是某个普通穷国的一打捐助者之一,如今却要同超过30个捐助者竞争。

9."Good-bye, Ida, " said the bridegroom's mother with a laugh; and the carriage rattled away at a good pace, in order to overtake the others.“再见,艾达。”新郎的母亲笑着道别;马车踢踢踏踏地奔驰了起来,急着去追赶前面的车辆。

10.Songwriter Wilpam Gilbert, in the musical "Princess Ida" , wrote: " Darwinian man, though well-behaved, at best is only a monkey shaved. "剧作家威廉·吉尔伯特在歌剧《艾达公主》中写道:“达尔文派的人虽然乖巧,但充其量只是一只剃掉毛的猴子。”