


美式发音: [ˈhʌzbəndri] 英式发音: ['hʌzbəndri]





1.(尤指精心经营的)农牧业farming, especially when done carefully and well

animal/crop husbandry畜牧业;种植业

2.节俭使用;精打细算the careful use of food, money and supppes

n.1.耕种; 农业; 务农; 畜牧; 饲养; 种植技术; 养殖技术2.〈旧〉节省开支; 节约; 节俭

n.1.the activity or the skill of farming and caring for animals2.<dated>careful management of your money and other necessary things

1.耕种 husband[ v]做 的丈夫 husbandry[ n]耕种,务农,节俭管理 incense[ n]香味 ...

2.耕作 declare v. 宣布 husbandry n. 耕作,家畜管理 technique n. 技术 ...

3.务农 husband[ v]做 的丈夫 husbandry[ n]耕种,务农,节俭管理 incense[ n]香味 ...

4.节俭 节约地 abstemiously 节约,节俭 husbandry 节约,俭省 spare ...

5.农牧业 “oar 桨”也是8 “husbandry农牧业)”,包括 实际上是“船 boat” ...

6.节约 节约地 abstemiously 节约,节俭 husbandry 节约,俭省 spare ...

7.家政 hurricane n. 飓风 husbandry n. 节俭;耕种;家政 husk n. (果类或谷物的)外壳(通常用复数);皮;无价值之物 ...

8.农业 cultivation 耕作 husbandry 农业,耕作 animal husbandry 畜牧 ...


1.Presumably known since the Advent of animal husbandry, butter has long been used as a cooking fat and as a spread.做为一种食物,可能在纪元开始时豢养动物的人就已知道。奶油长期以来用来涂敷食物或烹饪。

2.The company at this stage of the business to ecological agriculture and animal husbandry, ecological agricultural extension.公司现阶段业务范围向生态农牧业,生态农产品延伸。

3.And yet, where men of great wealth do stoop to husbandry, it multippes riches exceedingly.不过,大富翁亲自经营的地方,财富增加得特别快。

4.It has encouraged the replacement of human husbandry by machines that require oil to run, that pollute the air and compact the soil.它鼓励人类畜牧业由需要石油提供动力的机器操作来替代,污染了空气,压缩了土地。

5.Li Changqing, general manager of Xinda Husbandry Company based in Henan, said the case would severely damage the whole industry.河南新大牧业总经理李长青担忧,此事会毁全行业。

6.The investment and expansion plans for Mengniu Modern Animal Husbandry is one attempt to solve that problem.对蒙牛现代牧业的投资及该公司的扩张计划正是解决这个问题的一项尝试。

7.Speciation may also be induced artificially, through animal husbandry or laboratory experiments.物种形成也可以通过动物饲养或实验室人工诱导。

8.Over-use in animal husbandry is not the only source of antibiotic resistance.过度的使用不畜牧业对抗生素耐药性的唯一来源。

9.It was widely used as a nature emulsifier in food, pharmaceuticals industries, cosmetics and animal husbandry industries.是一种性能良好的天然表面活性剂,可广泛应用于食品、医药、化妆品、畜牧等方面。

10.The general American mid-west is the animal husbandry strategic place, on the vast prairie has the innumerable pasture.广大的美国中西部是畜牧业重镇,辽阔的草原上有数不清的牧场。