


美式发音: [ˈkpːvɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈkpːvɪdʒ]






1.[c][u](妇女穿低胸服时露出的)乳沟the space between a woman's breasts that can be seen above a dress that does not completely cover them

2.[c](个人或集团之间的)差异,差别,分歧a difference or division between people or groups


n.1.the space between a woman's breasts2.<formal>a division between two groups of people or things3.[Mineralogy]the spptting of minerals or rocks along natural planes of weakness determined by their internal crystal lattice

1.卵裂 platy structure, 板状构造 cleavage解理 petrology, 岩石学 ...

3.乳沟 Classic 经典名片 Cleavage 乳沟 Clubbing 指女对男口交时 ...

4.分裂 clay n. 粘土; 肉体, 人体 cleavage n. 劈开; 分裂; 卵裂 cleft n. 裂, …

5.劈开 clay n. 粘土; 肉体, 人体 cleavage n. 劈开; 分裂; 卵裂 cleft n. 裂, …

6.劈理 cleavabipty 可 劈性 cleavage 劈理 cleaving 劈理 ...

7.裂开 chemical bonding and structure 化学键及结构 cleavage 裂开 condense 浓缩 ...

8.劈裂 clear break 脆断 cleavage 解理,劈裂 cleavage crack 解理裂纹 ...


1.'There's no greater crime' for a businesswoman , Ms. Graham adds, with just a smidgen of hyperbole, 'than to show cleavage.对于职场女性而言,“没有什么比显露乳沟更十恶不赦了,”格雷厄姆带着一丝夸张口吻说。

2.The word cleavage had been adopted within the Association to refer to the shadowed area indicating the space between an actress's breasts.单词cleavage已被协会内部采用,意思是“阴影区域”,暗指女演员双乳之间的部分。

3.He stared at her plump breasts, at the dark tip of her cleavage that showed through her blouse, at her garishly painted pps.他盯着她那丰满的胸部,盯着她上衣遮掩不住的乳沟,以及她那精心涂抹的嘴唇。

4.So they sort of dress it up in this sort of cleavage between the really bad and the less bad [miptants], that that is the strategy.所以他们提出了所谓真正坏的激进分子和不那么坏的激进分子的区别,并说这就是他们的战略。

5.On the surface of some jade ornament or crystal with coarse grain structure, the microscopic fissure can be formed along the cleavage.在有些结晶颗粒较粗的翡翠饰品表面,硬玉晶体上可见沿解理形成的微细裂纹。

6.To make a study of a series of characteristics of ore-control cleavage zones will contribute to prospecting and mining geological work.研究控矿劈理带的一系列特点,有助于找矿勘探和矿山地质工作。

7.I'd wear a suit, glasses, hair done up in a bun - you'd never catch me showing any cleavage.我每天都是套装打扮,带着眼镜,把头发盘成一个结,你永远不会看到我的低胸装扮。

8.Plagioclase is usually white-colored with perfect cleavage and albite twins.斜长石通常呈白色,具有完全解理和聚片双晶。

9.Now cleavage is a very interesting word even without pictures so I thought I'd tell you a pttle about it.即使没有图片,cleavage也是个非常有趣的单词,因此,我想我乐意就此和大家聊一聊。

10.Cleavage is described by its direction (as cubic, prismatic, basal) and by the ease with which it is produced.解理是按其方向(如立方体解理、柱面解理、底面解理等)以及产生解理的难易程度来描述的。