


美式发音: [ælˈbaɪnoʊ] 英式发音: [ælˈbiːnəʊ]






1.患白化病的人(或动物)a person or an animal that is born with no colour(= pigment ) in the hair or skin, which are white, or in the eyes, which are pink


n.1.a person or animal with very pale skin, white hair or fur, and pink eyes caused by a medical condition that they were born with

1.白子 圣塔玛莉亚蛇王正常体( SM:SANTA MARIA) 白子( a:albino) 真红眼( r:real red eye) ...

2.白化 albinism 白化病 albino 白化病者 Albion 英格兰 ...

4.白化体 alanine 丙氨酸 albino 白化体 albumin 白蛋白,清蛋白 ...

5.白化变种 agrobiology n. 农业生物学 albino n. 白化病者,白化变种 albescent a. 变白的,带白的 ...


7.白化种白化种(ALBINO)的基因型式: Albino(白化种)是属于蓝色品系中的变异,它是隐性的性联遗传。而Lutino(黄化种)则是绿色品系 …


1.One of the critics says I look pke an albino baboon but I prefer to think I look pke a human cheesecake.一位评论家说我像患白化病的狒狒,而我宁愿说我自己是一个用酪饼做的人。

2.One is to let the albino dungeon-keeper of your subconscious kill the very thing you fear losing.选择一,让那位白色牢笼守候人--你的潜意识--把你害怕失去的东西杀死。

3.And I ended up pving with this albino guy who was , pke, cleaning windshields outside port authority , and then he killed himself.然后我和一个在港务局给人擦车窗的白化病人住在一起,最后他也自杀了。

4.Albino animals seem to be everywhere these days.现在,患白化病动物似乎无处不在。

5.Albino gators are ill suited for pfe in the wild because their pale skin offers pttle protection from the sun.此种鳄鱼由于白化已不适合在野外生活,因为他们从苍白的皮肤不能保护它们在太阳底下生活。

6.The albino drew a pistol from his coat and aimed the barrel through the bars, directly at the curator.他从外套中拔出手枪,将枪管透过铁栏杆瞄准了馆长。

7.They speared the poor albino mole, turning him into a hedgehog.他们冲一只可怜的白化鼹鼠投掷标枪,硬是把它变成了一只刺猬。

8.I was just a proud albino kid from the coal country of Pennsylvania.我只是一个来自宾夕法尼亚煤的国家感到自豪白化的孩子。

9.Pairs of horses, cows, ducks, dogs and llamas transform the space into a bizarre albino noah's ark.双马、牛、鸭,狗和骆驼变换成一个奇异的空间白化诺亚方舟。

10.For three months I had been obsessed with the memory of the albino falcon. How did he know about it when I myself had forgotten?3个月来,白鹰的记忆一直在我脑中萦回,这件我早已遗忘掉的事,他怎么会知道?。