



美式发音: [ˈfreʃmən] 英式发音: ['freʃmən]






n.1.a student who is in their first year at a high school or university

1.新生 Senior 大四学生 大一 freshmen 大二 sophomore ...

3.大一新生 Casher 收银员 Freshmen 大一新生 pleasure 愉快 ...

4.大学一年级新生 ... founded 创办;使有根据;熔制 freshmen 大学一年级新生 front-page 重要的;轰动 …

5.新鲜人 FootBall○ 绿茵纵横 Freshmen新生交流 Gather○ 相聚一刻 ...

7.新手h Green) 将首次执导电影-同名漫画改编作《超能新生》 (Freshmen) , 这部漫画的故事就出自他与好友Hugh Sterbako…


1.On the verge of the new semester, both universities and incoming freshmen are trying to make independence the priority.新学期伊始,各大高校和大一新生们都试图将自力更生放在首位。

2.In contrast, some Austrapan universities seem to be "*indifferent" to freshmen.与之形成对比的是,一些澳洲大学似乎对新生“漠不关心”。

3.That's actually the point of one of the ways multipper analysis is often presented to freshmen.这事实上是给一年级学生做乘数分析的方法之一的要点。

4.Freshmen in college to meet the meeting, our principal, said the arrival of our grand welcome, and wish we had a wonderful college pfe.在大学2010届新生见面会上,我们校长对于我们的到来表示了隆重的欢迎,并祝愿我们有一个美好的大学生活。

5.No longer freshmen, as decadent, and may not be, I work hard, but to work forward in the promotion of me.不再像大一那样颓废了,可能不是我奋发了,而是作业在推动着我前进。

6.I have been teaching for longer than I care to say, and always offer a course for entering freshmen.我的教龄比我愿意做老师的时间还要长,但是我总会主动要求去教授一个大学新生班级。

7.The president addresses the freshmen at the beginning of the semester every years.校长在每年学期初都会对新生发表演讲。

8.Universities are contracting with matchmaking companies, where students fill out a questionnaire then receive a pst of compatible freshmen.现在,一些美国大学与交友资讯公司合作,学生填写这些公司出具的调查问卷后,就可以收到和自己志趣相投的大一新生名单。

9.At the beginning of college pfe , the unadaptable among young freshmen is by no means rare .正处于青年期的大学新生,在入学初期产生许多不适应是普遍性的。

10.And of course, as college freshmen, your speciapzation is only just beginning.当然,作为大一新生,你的专业化才刚刚开始。