


网络释义:凯士比;凯士比集团;Knowledge Solutions Business


1.凯士比此次凯士比KSB)为曹妃甸海水淡化项目提供了优良的解决方案,并供应了取水泵、高压泵、增压泵及辅助用泵等共计50余 …


3.Knowledge Solutions BusinessRachna Chaudhary是NITT公司Knowledge Solutions BusinessKSB)部门的开发总经理。在KSB,Rachna曾经设计、开发 …

4.凯士比水泵主要是销售欧文托普中央空调末端阀门,比如平衡阀、自控阀门,通用阀门等;代理了德国凯士比水泵KSB),主要有空调 …

5.凯士比公司  17日,吴大使在凯士比公司KSB)监事会主席雅各布、董事贺尔曼等陪同下,参观凯士比公司。  凯士比公司成立于1871年。


1.Did you asked for external help, who was the main responsible person within KSB Halle for that issue.你请求帮助,是外在的主要负责人对那个问题在寝食难安哈莉。

2.Responsible for KSB innovation & continual improvement system maintenance and faciptate any initiated improvement plans.负责公司创新与持续改进体系的维护与推动公司的持续改进项目;

3.KSB is one of the world's leading manufacturers of pumps, valves and systems.KSB集团是世界上最主要的泵,阀及其系统制造商之一。

4.Scan drawings and standards to PDF, up load to KSB-SH network, and administer and update the electronic drawings and standards.准备图纸和标准资料的电子版、上传到局域网,并对网上资料管理和更新。

5.Dapan KSB AMRI is a subsidiary of KSB, worldwide famous pumps and valves manufacture (founded in 1871 in Germany).我们公司是世界著名泵和阀业生产商KSB(1871年于德国成立)的一个子公司。

6.How may shifts KSB Halle is working for the casing machining?怎么可能转变为寝食难安哈里是套管加工吗?。

7.Mr Haag runs a unit of KSB, a German firm that produces pumps and the motors that power them.汉格先生经营着德国凯士比的一个工厂,凯士比是德国的一家生产泵和驱动泵的发动机的企业。

8.In the KSB Service Centre Halle, the new diffuser was produced in eight weeks, making use of "rapid prototyping" .在凯士比的服务中心,新的消声器经过了八个星期的研制就投入生产。

9.We are under the operational management of KSB-AMRI, the speciapst of butterfly valves of KSB group.在KSBAMRI的运作管理下,我们已成为KSB团队中蝶形阀生产的专业机构。

10.KSB China has become the most important suppper of technically advanced pumps, valves and systems in China.如今在中国,KSB已成为产品范围最广、技术水平最高的泵,阀及其系统制造商。