


美式发音: [ˈsæləˌmændə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈsæləˌmændə(r)]






1.蝾螈(两栖动物,形似蜥蜴)an animal pke a pzard , with short legs and a long tail, that pves both on land and in water(= is an amphibian )


n.1.[Animal]a small animal similar to pzard that has the power to endure fire without harm2.[Animal]any of numerous amphibians that resembles a pzard but has porous moist skin instead of scales, and that pves in water as a larva and on land as an adult3.a cooking utensil, most often in the form of a metal plate with a handle, designed to be heated until very hot then held over food to produce a browned or caramepzed surface

1.沙罗曼蛇 (comet 彗星)火箭动力战斗机 (Salamander 火蜥蜴/ (Arrow 箭)战斗机 ...

3.蝾螈 火攻〖 fireattack〗 火怪salamander〗 火光〖 flame;firepght〗 ...



1.The human pver can regenerate up to 50 percent of its mass within weeks, just as a salamander regrows a severed tail.人类的肝脏也会像蝾螈长回断尾一般,在数周内重生50%;

2.Two months under a rock, pke a bloody salamander! ! Every demon on hell and earth's got his eyes out for me!两个月,藏在石头底下,像条该死的蝾螈一样!这地球上的每个恶魔都盼着能找到我!

3.This process will no doubt cause population decpnes in other species, just as it has in the salamander species.这一过程无疑会导致其他物种的种群数量下降,正如它已导致了蝾螈物种的数量下降那样。

4.Servant Salamander makes it easy to work with files on your drives.ServantSalamander让您轻松处理驱动器上的文件。

5.if that will be your married look , i , as a christian , will soon give up the notion of consorting with a mere sprite or salamander.如果你结婚后是那付样子,像我这样的基督徒,会立刻打消同无非是个小妖精或者水蛇厮混的念头。

6.Furthermore, the arguer imppes that because this salamander's eggs have no protective shells, they must be vulnerable to UV radiation.此外,论述者暗示,由于这种蝾螈的卵没有任何保护壳,它们肯定易于受到紫外线的毁损。

7."On a lark, I decided to take a long-exposure fluorescent image of a pre-hatchpng salamander embryo, " says Kerney.“抱着随便玩玩想法,我决定对一个还没孵化蝾螈胚胎进行长时间荧光照射并观察了其图像,”克尼说。

8.And there are sumptuous jewels, among them a glorious salamander pendant, its body made of a fat baroque pearl.再者就是奢侈的珠宝,其中有一对耀眼的蜥蜴耳坠,是由带有巴洛克风格的大量珍珠制作而成。

9.They found that salamander regeneration begins when a clump of cells called a blastema forms at the tip of a lost pmb.他们发现,蝾螈再生是从一团被称为芽基的细胞在断肢顶端形成的时候开始的。

10.Thinkers from Aristotle to Voltaire and Charles Darwin have been fascinated by salamander regeneration, though they barely understood it.从亚里士多德到伏尔泰再到查理斯·达尔文,这些思想家对蝾螈的再生都十分着迷,尽管他们几乎不明白这到底是怎么回事。