


美式发音: [ˈpzi] 英式发音: [ˈpzi:]





1.利齐 Lindsay 林塞 Lizzie 利齐 Lloyd 劳埃德 ...

2.丽兹 (Lilpan) 莉莲 314. (Lizzie;Lizzy) 丽兹 320. (Epsabeth) 伊莉莎白 209. ...

3.莉齐 5.雷蒙 Ramone 6.利兹 Lizzie 7.萨兹 Sarge ...

5.莉琪星内芙·坎贝尔(Neve Campbell)饰演的莉琪Lizzie)将在12月6日播出的第九季第六集《都是爱情惹的祸》(Love Turns Y…

6.里兹 ... 1996年亚特兰大残奥会——布雷兹( Blaze) 2000年悉尼残奥会——里兹( Lizzie) 2002年盐湖城冬季残奥会——奥 …

7.丽齐 Lisa 丽萨 Lizzie 丽齐 Lois 洛伊斯 ...

8.莉兹·帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)的姐姐莉兹Lizzie)共同表演。


1.Haven't I brought you up to be respectable? And how can you keep it up without my money and my influence and Lizzie's friends?要是没有我的钱、没有我的支持、没有利慈的朋友帮忙,你这上等人的身份怎么保得住?

2.Lizzie was more than just a class project to me. She was a friend, A good friend. A good friend.莉琪对我来说决不仅仅是一个实验标本。她是我的好朋友,我的好朋友。我的好朋友。

3.In the episode "The Untitled Stan Jenson Project, " it was revealed that Lizzie had a crush on him in the fourth grade.“未命名的斯坦简森项目”一集中讲道里兹曾在四年级时迷上了他。

4.Lizzie addresses Darcy as much to distract him from her family as for any other reason.出于某些原因,丽齐尽可能多地跟达西聊天,以避免他听到自己家人的谈话。

5.Kate: Wow. I have to say, Lizzie. I didn't think you had it in you to stand up to me. Good for you.哇,莉琪,我不得不说,我没想到你会有勇气来面对我。你真行啊。

6.Lizzie was more than just a class project to me.对我来说,利齐不仅仅是一个生物课作业。

7.LIZZIE: (ironically) With five thousand a year, would not matter if he had warts and a leer.丽齐:(嘲讽地)每年有五千磅的收入,谁会管他是不是满脸麻子。

8.Alexander, who has moved back to Serbia from his exile in London, is a godson of the Queen, whom he calls Lizzie in private.亚历山大曾流亡在伦敦,现已回到塞尔维亚,伊丽莎白女王是他的教母,私下里他称呼他Lizzie。

9.She did not appear in the last six episodes, nor in The Lizzie McGuire Movie.可惜的是,在最后六集中她再也没有出现,里兹的小电影中她也不见了踪影。

10.Lizzie's frill is shaped as the map of Austrapa with its green and gold colors, while her body is the red ochre color of the land.Lizzie打开的颈部皱褶为澳大利亚地图的形状,颜色为绿色和金色。身体的颜色为象征着澳大利亚大地的赭褐色。