


美式发音: [hæɡ] 英式发音: [hæɡ]






hagn.— see alsofag hag

1.丑陋(或讨厌)的老女人an ugly and/or unpleasant old woman



n.1.an old woman who is ugly or unpleasant

1.巫婆 Griffin( 狮鹫) Hag巫婆) Halfpng( 哈夫林) ...

2.女巫 had 有 hag 女巫 han 汉族 ...

3.魔女 女巫( Witch) 魔女Hag) 刽子手( Executioner) ...

4.母夜叉 crumpet- 小妞 hag- 母夜叉 shrew- 泼妇 ...


6.老巫婆 230. hack: 雇佣文人。 231. hag: 老巫婆。 232. harbinger: 先驱。 ...

7.硬体行动群组(Hardware Action Group)j, Inc.董事长,同时也是EPCglobal Hardware Action Group (HAG)的主要召集人。

8.沼地 gut 内脏,肠子,勇气,内容 hag 女巫,魔女,沼地 hap 偶然,机会;偶然发生 ...


1.Green Hag[GH]: Wow, you know, it's great to see you being such a good sport about this.喔,要知道,看到你们对这个规则这么适应真好。

2.Hag 2: 5 According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you, fear ye not.该2:5这是照著你们出埃及我与你们立约的话。那时,我的灵住在你们中间,你们不要惧怕。

3.From what I've heard, he's obsessed with the fable of a murderous hag, and I'm sure there's a connection.从我已经听到的传言,他被嗜血巫婆的寓言困扰着,我确定两者有一些联系。

4.For an old hag with children to feed asking for compensation is fair and just, that is what meant by the word apmony.糟糠下塘,领着一群儿女,要多少钱是应该的,可以的,这才叫赡养费。

5.The girl's playmate, Drept, insists the killer was some sort of hag, a gray lady, not a patient.女孩的玩伴,德普特,坚持说杀手是个巫婆,一个灰袍老太婆,不是病人。

6.We were driving fast in the highway and I saw a hag staring at me right outside the window.车开得飞快,一个老太婆趴在窗外看著我。

7.Ouni is a mountain hag with a mouth stretching from ear to ear and a thick coat of long, black hair covering her entire body.苧是山间的巫婆,长著一张能触及两耳的大嘴,全身覆盖著浓密的黑色长毛。

8.She is called by many names, but to sailors of Lake Erie, she is known as the Storm Hag.她由许多名字叫,但是给伊利湖的水手,她叫作风暴女巫。

9.Drept said he saw the hag here at the orphanage long ago, when his childhood friend was murdered.德普特说他很久以前在孤儿院这里见过巫婆,当他儿时的朋友被谋杀时。

10.when some Ministry hag comes up and asks to see me pcense.来了个魔法部女巫,要看我的摆摊证